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2024-001 CD/Park 7 Orono Owner LLC v Town of Orono Stipulation of Dismissal
2024-002 WSL-Sable Lodge LLC v City of South Portland Stipulation of Dismissal
2024-004 CD/Park 7 Orono Owner, LLC v Town of Orono Stipulation of Dismissal
2024-006 Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co v Town of Wiscasset Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-001 Olde English Village LLC v City of South Portland Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-002 Brookfield White Pine Hydro v Town of Moscow Stipulations of Dismissal
2023-004 JCKB Holdings LLC v Town of Ogunquit Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-008 CD_Park 7 Orono v Town of Orono Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-014 Walmart Real Estate Bus Trust v Town of Oxford Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-015 Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLC v Town of Buxton Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-016 Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLC v Town of Buxton Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-017 Brookfield White Pine Hydro LLC v Town of Buxton Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-020 Brookfield White Pine Hydro (Bonny Eagle) v. Town of Hollis Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-021 Brookfield White Pine Hydro (Bonny Eagle) v. Town of Hollis Stipulation of Dismissal
2023-022 John Bauer v City of Auburn Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-001 Brookfield White Pine Hydro, LLC v Town of Standish Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-002 John W. Moore, Jr. v Town of Farmington Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-004 JB Brown & Sons v Town of Oakland Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-006 Weaver Wind v Town of Osborn Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-007 Great Lakes Hydro America, LLC v Millinocket Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-008 Brookfield White Pine Hydro v. Town of Moscow Decision
2022-020 Kittery Development v Town of Kittery Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-022 Bangor-Pacific Hydro Assoc v Howland Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-023 Bangor-Pacific Hydro Assoc v Enfield Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-024 Foreside Place LLC, Walmart v Falmouth Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-026 Union River v City of Ellsworth Stipulation of Dismissal
2022-027 Brookfield White Pine Hydro, LLC v Town of Standish Stipulation of Dismissal
2021-001 Great Lakes Hydro America LLC v Millinocket Stipulation of Dismissal
2021-003 Brookfield White Pine Hydro v. Town of Moscow Decision
2021-004 Peace Ridge Sanctuary v Town of Brooks Stipulation of Dismissal
2021-005 Stipulation of Dismissal, Westbrook Energy Ctr v City of Westbrook
2021-006 Stipulation of Dismissal, Hermany Realty v City of Ellsworth
2021-007 Stipulation of Dismissal, Northbridge Granite Hill Est v City of Hallowell
2021-014 Kittery Development v Town of Kittery Stipulation of Dismissal
2021-015 Stipulation of Dismissal Brookfield White Pine Hydro v Town of Solon
2021-017 Stipulation of Dismissal Brookfield White Pine Hydro v Town of Embden
2021-018 Stipulation of Dismissal Brookfield White Pine Hydro v Town of Dayton
2021-019 Bangor-Pacific Hydro v Howland Stipulation of Dismissal
2021-020 Bangor-Pacific Hydro v Enfield Stipulation of Dismissal
2021-021 Foreside Place LLC, Wal-Mart v Falmouth Stipulation of Dismissal
2021-022, 023 Union River v City of Ellsworth Stipulation of Dismissal
2021-024 Stipulation of Dismissal, Northbridge Granite Hill Est v City of Augusta
2020-010 Wal-Mart v Town of Brunswick Stipulation of Dismissal
2020-011 Maine Life Care Retirement Stipulation of Dismissal
2020-012 Eagle Creek Madison Hydro, LLC Stipulation of Dismissal
2020-015 Great Lakes Hydro America v Town of East Millinocket Stipulation of Dismissal
2020-016 Decision on Jurisdiction Hurricane Island v Town of Vinalhaven
2020-020 Scott H. Lee Trustee v City of Brewer Motion to Dismiss
2020-021 Stipulation of Dismissal Northern Utilities v City of Biddeford
2020-023 First Berkshire Properties Stipulation of Dismissal
2019-001 Wal-Mart v City of Ellsworth Decision on Jurisdiction
2019-002 Duvaltex US, Inc v Guilford Stipulation of Dismissal
2019-003 Stipulation of Dismissal Wal-Mart Real Est Business Trust v Town of Brunswick
2019-003 Wal-Mart v Town of Brunswick Stipulation of Dismissal
2019-004 Wal-Mart v Town of Scarborough Stipulation of Dismissal
2019-005 Sams Real Estate Business Trust Stipulation of Dismissal
2019-008 Stipulation of Dismissal, Twin Rivers Paper v Town of Madawska
2019-011 Bangor Mall, MSCI 2007-IQ16 Stipulation of Dismissal
2019-014 Maine Coast Medical Realty v City of Ellsworth Procedural Order
2019-014 Maine Coast Medical v City of Ellsworth Stipulation of Dismissal
2019-015 Maine coast Medical Realty v City of Ellsworth Order on Jurisdiction
2019-015 Maine Coast Medical v City of Ellsworth Stipulation of Dismissal
2019-016 Maine Coast Medical Realty v City of Ellsworth Procedural Order
2019-016 Maine Coast Medical v City of Ellsworth Stipulation of Dismissal
2018-012 Bangor Mall, MSCI 2007-IQ16 Stipulation of Dismissal
2018-013 Maine Coast Medical Realty v City of Ellsworth Stipulation of Dismissal
2018-013 Maine Coast Medical v City of Ellsworth Decision on Jurisdiction
2018-013-015 and 2019-014-016 Stipulation of Dismissal Maine Coast Medical Realty
2018-014 Maine Coast Medical Realty v City of Ellsworth Stipulation of Dismissal
2018-014 Maine Coast Medical v City of Ellsworth Decision on Jurisdiction
2018-015 Maine Coast Medical Realty v City of Ellsworth Stipulation of Dismissal
2018-015 Maine Coast Medical v City of Ellsworth Decision on Jurisdiction
2018-016 Stipulation of Dismissal Wal-Mart v. City of Bangor
2018-021 Decision, Better Living Lands v Maine Revenue Services, 06-07-22
2017-008 Somerset Acquisitions v Town of Madison - Dismissal Order
2017-008 Somerset Acquisitions v Town of Madison Dismissal Order
2016-001 Xpress Natural Gas, LLC v Baileyville, Town of (Order on Motion to Dismiss)
2016-003 Roque Island Gardner Homestead Corp v Town of Jonesport - Decision 05-18-17 (002)
2016-007 Leon F. Chick v. Limington\2016-007 Leon Chick Stipulation of Dismissal
2016-010 Camp O-At-Ka, Inc Decision on Jurisdiction 11-22-17
2016-011 Eagle Creek Madison Hydro LLC Stipulation of Dismissal
2016-012 Louisiana-Pacific Corp v Town of New Limerick Order on Motion in Limine
2016-013 Lincoln Paper and Tissue LLC Stipulation of Dismissal