Younger Workers Committee

September 19, 2019: 9:30 AM
45 Commerce Dr, Augusta Frances Perkins Room

YOUNGER WORKERS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA 09/19/2019 FRANCES PERKINS ROOM 45 COMMERCE DRIVE, AUGUSTA 9:30 - Welcome & Introductions/Approval of the 06/16/19 meeting minutes. 9:45 11:00 Chris Quint, Director Maine State Workforce Board will talk about the strategic planning process he's undertaking with the State Workforce Board. Hell have a conversation with the group about the pressing needs the group sees in the area of younger workers. Where we are and going forward. 11:00 Noon Wrap Up NEXT MEETING November 7, 2019 Frances Perkins Room 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta 9:30am 12:00pm



Present: Adrian Cohen, (Chair), Ginny Carroll, Joan Dawson, Tammy Richardson, Anne Wheeler, Kaylin Kerina, David Dorr, Tracie Travers, Jen Belanger, Melissa Williams, (Phone), Mercedes Pour, (Phone)

Staff: Christopher Quint, Cheryl Moran

Welcome & Introductions/Approval of the 06/16/19 meeting minutes Adrian Cohen opened the regular meeting at 9:35am with welcome and introductions and announced that Tracey Cooley, the current Chair, has stepped down and she will be the new Chair.

Adrian called motion for approval of the 06/16/19 meeting minutes. Ginny Carroll motioned. Joan Dawson seconded. Minutes were approved unanimously as written.

Chris Quint, Director Maine State Workforce Board will talk about the strategic planning process he's undertaking with the State Workforce Board. Hell have a conversation with the group about the pressing needs the group sees in the area of younger workers. Where we are and going forward. Adrian stated the intention is to be more related to the Board and the Board activities and as a group, we can figure out what our priorities are.

Chris stated the State Workforce Board has hired a consultant to help map out the process for the new 4-year WIOA plan that is due March 2020. The goal is crafting a non-400-page DOL plan that will enable us to have a more manageable document which will be the guiding strategy for the workforce system. Currently, they have a list of 130 to reach out to and will grow. They are looking at one vision session maybe two. Sectors? Regions? Maybe both. Chris stated the State Workforce Board (SWB) wants to seek input from this committee and all committees. He announced theres a SWB meeting tomorrow. He stated they will try to identify liaisons to attend each committee meeting and report back to the SWB. This will create better integration that has not happened in the past. The SWB meetings are open to the Public. At tomorrows SWB meeting, there will be a number of new Board members that will be attending. An orientation will be conducted stating what we have been doing and what do we want to see in the strategic plan going forward. Ginny Carroll pointed out about the transportation issue stating, this committee has taken some steps towards that. One of the suggestions was regarding school buses have the students work in the AM. Perhaps have a superintendent attend this meeting. Insurance seems to be an issue. Why does it work here and not there? Insurance seems to be the stopping point for many things. Lets figure out why this cannot happen.

Chris stated the Community College System are doing micro-credentialing. He suggested for the next 4 years, what are the objectives or goals we want to see for the youth of Maine? Chris also suggested to look back at the previous 4 years to see what has been achieved or needs to still happen. He stated the next SWB meeting will be totally dedicated to the Plan and have each committee present what their goals are.

Discussion after: Jen Belanger stated she would like to have a conversation about attracting and retaining youth in Maine. Tracie Travers stated its also very important to have the right people in the room to combat barriers, so the work can continue forward. Ginny stated the current State plan has the same issues. The plan has a very good vision and a lot of good things has happened beyond the plan. Joan Dawson then asked, is the State Workforce Board appointed by the Governor? Ginny responded the State Workforce Board makes recommendations to the Governor. Adrian pointed out that some SWB members are not familiar or aware of the sub-committees according to Chris.
Ginny stated partnering, sharing resources/data, and co-enrolling needs to happen. Jen stated rural areas have very few options which creates a challenge.
Kaylin suggested to get a youth perspective. What they need/want. David Dorr stated we should stay focused on what we were doing last year so we can collaborate as a group and get started.
Anne Wheeler stated we should work together as one instead of individual groups.

Agenda for next meeting: Action/item planning for committee goals.

Our goals as a reminder are: 1. Alternative Pathways - credentialing 2. Connect Youth to Employment law/liability 3. Transportation Barriers

Meeting adjourned at 10:48am.

NEXT MEETING November 7, 2019 Frances Perkins room 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta 9:30 12:00

Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Moran
