Commission on Disability & Employment

March 20, 2019: 9:00 AM
45 Commerce Dr, Augusta Frances Perkins Room

State Workforce Board COMMISSION ON DISABILITY AND EMPLOYMENT March 20, 2019 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Central Maine Commerce Center 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta Frances Perkins Room Call in: 877-455-0244, Conference code: 9218175360 AGENDA 9:00 Welcome, Introductions, approve meeting minutes 9:15 Review and approve January meeting's minutes 9:30 State & Legislative updates 10:30 Break 10:45 Discussion regarding agencies reports out: Identify areas needing CDE focus / support Strategize for remainder of year 12:00 Adjourn Next Meeting: July 17, 2019 9:00 12:00 Central Maine Commerce Center Frances Perkins Room



Present: Jennifer Kimble, (Chair), Peaches Bass, Donald Rice, Gayla Dwyer, Renee Doble, Amie Parker

Staff: Joshua Howe, Cheryl Moran

Welcome and Introductions Jennifer Kimble opened the regular meeting at 9:06am and decided to skip introductions because everyone knew each other.
She stated she did not hear from Mel Clarrage or Rachel Dyer. Jeanie Coltart was unable to attend because she had another commitment and Karen Fraser was on vacation.

Review and approve January meeting minutes Membership and Quorum - Jennifer Kimble stated for a quorum, according to the Bylaws, we need 5 or 50% and we have 7 voting members. We have a quorum. Karen Fraser is ex-officio. Renee Doble and Amie Parker are pending members because we need to wait for the SWB Chair to be appointed.
Jennifer then asked if everyone had a chance to review the 01/09/19 minutes. Peaches Bass called for motion. Donald Rice seconded. Minutes approved unanimously as written.

State & Legislative Updates Joshua Howe reported the legislative "stuff" is moving fast and furious. There are several minimum wage bills going through concerning mainly youth. One bill suggested paying youth less than the minimum wage. There are arguments on both sides. Employers state they cannot afford the increasing minimum wage. There's a discussion of having a different minimum wage for large and small employers. The LCRED has been dismantled and there are now two different related committees: Labor and Housing; and Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business. It is not yet clear who will be represented at the SWB table. The SWB Directors position has been posted, pending decision. Fred Webber, the SWB Chair is no longer appointed. The Governor appoints the Chair and Board members. Theres 1 vacant seat on the Board for a Community Agency.

Jennifer Kimble stated at the last meeting we potentially talked about meeting in February. It turned out to be bad timing with the new Administration in transition; this has held up our process.

She stated she did meet with the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner along with Joshua Howe, and Karen Fraser. They shared plans and reports from last year, and had a healthy 45-minute conversation. The Commissioner was very supportive and has a good understanding about disability employment issues. The Commissioner stated she is willing to come to one of our future meetings. She also understands the concept around workforce shortage and people with disabilities being an untapped resource for employers. Jennifer stated she is optimistic about the next 4 years.

Josh stated we need to integrate the committees with the large Board to make them more aware of the work that is being done; raising awareness is a problem with employers although they are crying for help. Renee Doble stated employers are not yet comfortable to accept employees that are not the perfect fit. Change is hard. Smaller businesses are more affected due to lack of an HR department. Peaches Bass stated employers have difficulty seeing out of the box. Employers should be very assertive in asking what they need. Josh stated this should be more SWB driven. How do we raise this awareness? We had a great experience last year in collaborating with the Department of Corrections. Jennifer stated cultural perceptions need to be sorted out. Donald Rice stated employers have a fear that PWD might get hurt Workers Compensation. Peaches Bass How do you push Employment First if employers are not ready? Josh We need a larger workforce to assist employers to think differently and PWD is part of that group. Where do we want to head as a committee? Gayla Dwyer The system has mainly focused on tokenism. We need to have individuals come in and direct our needs. We need to focus on the strengths and go out and interact with employers really focusing on the skillset of employer engagement. Jennifer How do you address the unconscious bias about disability? Many employers cannot afford to hire qualified people. What do we do? There is a crisis in our System.

Discussion regarding agencies reports out: Identify areas needing CDE focus/support Strategize for remainder of the year Jennifer Kimble provided a copy of Employment First Maine Report and a copy of the state agencies response letter to the Employment First Maine Coalition Report and Recommendations. Referring to the letter, Jennifer stated BRS, DHHS, DOL, and DOE targeted and worked together but there was nothing regarding BES efforts. Jennifer stated this really stuck out; not meaning BES is not doing anything, but their efforts should be included. She stated the CDE probably should point this out. Peaches Bass stated BES really wanted someone to be there but no one reached out. The question is how do we bring in BES? Jennifer - Also, there was nothing about Adult Education (AE) focusing on disability, only special education. Therefore, in terms of WIOA, should we channel more about compliance not having AE or BES? No one has the answer, whether its leadership or anyone at this table. This is what we want to avoid. Don Rice stated we need to continue to educate throughout state offices that employees still do not understand or know how to handle PWD. Therefore, PWD are not receiving proper services. Peaches stated the universal access work group came up with a WIOA universal access policy. She stated there should be a connection if someone no longer needs VR services but could still need other services.
Jennifer stated benefits counseling helps to reduce the fear of losing disability benefits (SSI & SSDI recipients); Work and Benefits Navigator training for disability service providers and other gatekeepers will be in Portland next week, in Augusta (April), and Bangor (May). Jennifer stated if the State keeps funding these trainings, this can really help people with disabilities in the State of Maine to move toward employment. Peaches stated PWD will get to hear some motivation, rather than comments like if you work, you will not get this or that. The idea is moving people from their fear and discomfort and enabling them to be more comfortable in making these changes. Jennifer How can people get exposed to that knowledge when they dont have an expressed desire to work? We need more people to open up these conversations about employment. Amie Parker stated from an employers perspective, its hard to get people to disclose a disability. Jennifer We need a coordinated message and educational approach for employers. Peaches stated since DHHS is involved with this, they should be brought to the table. Employment First recommendations: Jennifer Kimble - #2; Employment (LIFE) 101, she stated she does not believe this exists. #3; to Jennifers understanding, she believes this is already done. #4; not sure if they want to say anything about the mentoring program. #5; subminimum wage, good to phase out entirely if the Commissioner is not in favor. #6; assess cross-system data nothing seen in the States response. Peaches Bass stated she would like to see demographic data broken down. Gayla Dwyer - #9; Foster Care. Are we going to miss this? Is there a system in place to gather those numbers? Peaches Bass stated that her only concern is with #23; not the right way to go. Jennifer Kimble #26; sees a lot that is not happening or at least in a limited way. A through E; Jennifer stated they agree on a set of employment outcomes. Its more about receiving services than who is receiving services. A through E is very descriptive. Some has been done so should we ignore this? Peaches stated data will cost money but we need to see where its going to come from.

Next meeting agenda goal: Jennifer Next meeting, put together a draft of what we think we should focus on. Josh Also think about the new State Plan which will come out next year.

Meeting adjourned at 12:12pm. Don Rice motioned. Peaches Bass seconded.

Next Meeting: May 15, 2019 9:00 12:00 Central Maine Commerce Center Frances Perkins Room

Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Moran
