Older Workers Committee

January 29, 2019: 10:00 AM
45 Commerce Dr, Augusta Marion Martin Room



Present: Don Harden, Cindy Johnson (Phone), Melinda Wildes (Phone), Sandra Butler (Phone)

Staff: Joshua Howe, Cheryl Moran

Cheryl Moran opened the meeting with welcome and introductions.

Committee members had a continued discussion from the previous meeting about strategizing awareness to employers to understand the value older workers provide to businesses

Concerns/suggestions We need to connect with the State Workforce Board (SWB). How do we fit in working with the MDOL to advise or speak about older workers? Older workers do not get quite the attention they should. When you visit a CareerCenter, there is not a lot of focus, or if any on older workers. Is there a skill gap? What does the new Administration really want? Looking at Broadband is critical for economic development. What are the greatest needs for people over 55? Lack of a flexible schedule can present a barrier. How do employers up-skill older workers? MaineJobLink and Unemployment Compensation: Can we get information on this age group? Are we serving older workers? Josh Howe stated he will check to see if we can obtain this data.

Melinda Wildes stated Barbara from MaineSpark can be a good resource because she deals with older workers. Melinda also stated she would like to see older workers aging in the workplace instead of in the home.

Committee members agreed we need to create action.

Josh Howe stated the SWB needs to appoint a new Chair, fill the position of the SWB Director, and what is the direction of the new Administration. He stated we can provide input but the input must be driven by the Governor's desires.

Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Moran
