Women's Employment Committee Meeting

November 6, 2017: 9:30 AM
Frances Perkins Room, 45 Commerce Drive Augusta

Women?s Employment Committee AGENDA 11/6/17 9:30 ? Noon Frances Perkins Room, MDOL 9:30 Introductions Conversation with Sally Sutton, New Mainers Resource Center, about recognition/certification of New Mainers? education and work experience in their home counties. 10:30 Break 10:45 Approval of 9/25/17 Minutes Status of WIOA funding/MDOL Program and policy priorities for 2018?please come prepared to share your organization?s top priorities related to women?s economic security at the state and federal level 11:30 Member updates/process for scheduling 2018 meetings

WOMEN?S EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 11/06/2017 Present: Gilda Nardone (Chair), Peaches Bass, Darylen Cote, Karen Keim, Auta Main, Kelly Samson-Rickert, Kim Foskett (phone), Tammy Rabideau (phone)

Guest: Sally Sutton, Dieudonne Nzeyimani

Staff: Cheryl Moran

Introductions Gilda Nardone opened the meeting with welcomes and introductions and mentioned about the invited New Mainers at the last meeting ? issue of recognition and value.

Conversation with Sally Sutton, Program Coordinator, New Mainers Resource Center, about recognition/certification of New Mainers? education and work experience in their home countries. Sally stated she is very aware of a complex issue this is (evaluation of their degrees/credentials, both National and Local). She is pleased that there is verification now unless you get into licensure. She stated that employers want to know the value of what you have done. Many asylum or refugees are smart and bring their documentation with them. She pointed out that access to documentation is a challenge they face if not brought with them. They may need to contact their school which might present a danger to their safety or the school may no longer exist. We may need to see their course descriptions which may be different from their transcript. If there are no documents, this could make things impossible for verification. Darylen Cote asked who does the prior learning assessments? Sally Sutton responded the schools, colleges/universities. Gilda Nardone asked are there schools that are more receptive? Sally Sutton responded the University of Southern Maine (USM) seem to be more receptive. Sally Sutton stated that this is the big area where there needs to be more discussion. They may be able to take an equivalent exam for licensure. Verification is a very long path if you can meet all these requirements. The person must come up with the funds to pay for this process. Gilda stated it would be great to invite Sally back to speak to other groups in reference about this funding. Sally stated that information is not readily available for proof of work and education for verification and evaluation. Sally stated that Dieudonne is helping to make this information more visible. This will make it easier to access. Having the information and resources available, will make the process easier. Auta Main ? Anne Head, Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation stated that 50% of licensing should not be licensed. Gilda asked are there any states that might be ahead of the game? Sally responded no one has figured it out ? World Educational Services participates. Gilda stated this is an issue that we should be talking to Gubernatorial candidates about. Sally stated for the most part, most of the degrees she has seen have come back validated that she has worked with. Gilda asked Sally to send out handouts electronically. Sally ? What she would like to see; all licensing and requirements are easily accessible; do not wait for someone to have work authorization; and invest in short-term certification/training because not everyone needs a degree. English proficiency is also a challenge. Gilda stated that this is an area of interest and would like to have an on-going conversation.

What is happening in the credential/training area with Veterans ? Auta Main, Veterans Program Manager, MDOL
Auta stated that Veterans have similar issues. L.D. 1327 ? An act to fast-track Veterans from Medics into Registered Nurses (R.N.) was tabled last year. She stated that they spent the summer re-writing and will be re-introduced January 2018.
They also proposed to hire a full-time military liaison to gather their entire portfolio. This was modeled in the State of Washington. Veterans have education and military training but are not degreed. New York State can test for an LPN and Maine has reciprocity. The University of Maine System is involved. L.D. 1592 ? passed last year (Trades). This Bill gives Anne Head the authority to waive some of the pre-licensing requirements. Veterans are desperate for work and feel insulted if they must start from the bottom. We should re-visit in reference to other groups affected with the same issues.

Approval of 9/25/17 minutes Gilda Nardone suggested to table the minutes for next meeting since they were not sent out in a timely manner.

Status of WIOA funding/MDOL ? Cheryl Moran and Peaches Bass Peaches explained to members what are the 3 funding sources of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Title 1B ? Youth with barriers age 14 ? 24, adult and dislocated worker employment and training. Title 2 ? Adult Education and Literacy Title 3 ? Wagner-Peyser (relating to employment services). She also went a little further with Title 4 which covers Vocational Rehabilitation. Administrative funding also is part of WIOA. Cheryl stated at the present time, we still have no information regarding the status of the WIOA funding however; our positions have been extended to November 20th.

Program and policy priorities for 2018-please come prepared to share your organization?s top priorities related to women?s economic security at the state and federal level Auta Main stated she would like to do more research on Veteran women?s employment and suggested to bring in a couple of speakers. Gilda Nardone stated it will be great to have the 2 committees work together (VEC & WEC). Darylen Cote stated she would like to have further discussion and or/focus on women in S.T.E.M. education/occupations. Kim Foskett announced that Dr. Babcock?s work (bridge out of poverty) is looking to start in January 2018. Peaches Bass have a better integrated service delivery which piggy backs bridge out of poverty. Universal Access of services to services. Kelly Samson-Rickert stated that she still is drumming up to get women into Information Technology (IT). Gilda Nardone provided a handout on MaineSpark Connect to Your Future whose mission is to close the gap between worker skills and industry needs by connecting people with programs that provide training and education resources and services. The goal is to drive an educated and credentialed workforce, 60% of the adult population by 2025. Age 25+ by 2025. Currently at 42%. The group is focusing on birth to 6th grade; 6th grade to college; attraction and retention; wraparound services and financial resources for adult learners. The question is how do you package all of this?

Member updates/process for scheduling 2018 meetings Gilda Nardone stated that the meetings will still be held on Mondays from 9:30 ? Noon. When Cheryl and I have the schedule, we will send out a Doodle pole. We will aim for our next meeting to be held in January 2018. We will do the best to keep you informed.

Meeting adjourned

Next meeting will be held on Monday, January 29 from 9:30 ? Noon in the Frances Perkins room, MDOL CMCC Augusta.

Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Moran
