Younger Workers Committee Meeting

April 27, 2017: 9:30 AM
Frances Perkins Room, 45 Commerce Drive Augusta

YOUNGER WORKERS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA 04/27/17 9:30 ? NOON FRANCES PERKINS ROOM, CMCC AUGUSTA • Welcomes and introductions • Approval of 03/01/17 minutes • The main focus of this meeting will be reviewing the information we gleaned from Joanna and Jeff in reference to the following bullets and how to move forward as a committee: ? Attend LWB Board quarterly meetings. ? The need as a committee to shepherd the Regional Partner Advisory Groups (RPAG) to identify credentials. These groups are used to identify the employer?s needs and skill gaps and are sector focused. ? Credentials ? urban vs rural. Different requirements of hiring. ? The need to communicate out to our partners. ? Need to create consistent language. ? Need to do a better job with entrepreneurship ? future projections; will make up 1/3 of the workforce. ? As a committee, focus on one specific industry to improve statewide. For example, Information Technology (IT) since it is trending especially with young Mainers. Next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 15th from 9:30 ? noon in the Frances Perkins Room, CMCC Augusta.

YOUNGER WORKERS COMMITTEE MEETING 04/27/2017 Present: Denise Smith, Dave Wurm, Adrian Cohen, Tammy Richardson, Janie Small (Phone), Mike Jordan (Phone), Lisa Obermeyer (Phone), Rachel Knight (Phone), Meg Harvey (Phone), Scott Good (Phone) Staff: Cheryl Moran, Joshua Howe

Denise Smith opened the meeting with welcomes and introductions and asked for approval of the 03/01/17 minutes. Tammy Richardson motioned. Janie Small seconded. Minutes approved unanimously as written.

The main focus of this meeting will be reviewing the information we gleaned from Joanna and Jeff in reference on how to move forward as a committee.

Denise opened the meeting stating she would like the bulk of discussion focused on the previous meeting we had with the LWB Directors, Joanna Russell and Jeff Sneddon. She mentioned that Garret Oswald wants this committee to do a project - a project similar to the Veterans Committee Hire-A-Vet Campaign. Denise stated that we need to all agree on something in order to move forward. Dave Wurm stated we need to make sure if we take something on, we will not be duplicating. We need to take something on that we can manage. Josh Howe stated this committee needs to network, be seen and recognized similar to the Older Workers Committee Silver Collar Employer Award.

Denise strongly stated we need to educate employers. She stated that she is open to this but how to come to fruition. Let?s focus on who is here and look at what they have, not their skill gap. We need to get the word out on success stories. Mike Jordan agreed that we need to educate the employers mainly due to the aging workforce. Our Youth are our future. Employers need to be aware of this not 10-15 years from now. Dave ? Employers need to look at the bigger picture ? how and who they are hiring. They need to include all populations and recognize different populations in each Region. We definitely need to have a conversation. Rachel Knight also agreed we need to get the message out to both employers and educators. Rachel pointed out, unfortunately there are High School Guidance Counselors that are sending the message to students that they need to leave Maine because they will not get anything here. Meg Harvey agreed that Guidance Counselors need to do a better job.

Meg stated she has been assigned to cover the TaskForce on Maine?s 21st Century Economy. She is not sure what her actual status is. Denise responded why does this Committee exist if there would be no one to represent us? We need to find a way to get the news out. We need to figure out a way to highlight success stories especially to employers because at the end of the day, it?s about people getting jobs. Scott Good asked where do we send our ideas. Dave ? Our ideas goes to the State Workforce Board (SWB) or Maine AtWork Initiative. Josh ? There are initiatives statewide that are working on this. For example, the Workforce and Education Collaborative (WEC), the Maine Development Foundation (MDF) and FAME are leading this initiative and Gail Senese from MDOE participates. Meg suggested all YWC members list their own taskforce and committees including what they know is out there and bring to our next meeting. Meg stated she is on the CTE sub-group.
Dave agreed with Meg that everyone submit a list and then we can decide if it?s impactful. Denise also agreed with Meg?s suggestion. She also stated employers need to take a second look at the youth applying because there is more to a person than what?s on paper. Employers are always voicing that they cannot fill positions. Josh stated a lot already is happening but how do we coordinate? Adrian ? Get employers to look beyond. Cheryl Moran feels education awareness should start at an early age. Meg stated there already is conversation in reference to starting at an early age with their new Education Commissioner Hasson. Maybe we can have some Legislation.
Dave - How Maine AtWork has been pitched to employers, we do not know.

Denise strongly stated to members until we can somehow change the conversation, we will have the same meetings from year to year.

Next meeting agenda

? Review taskforce/committees list. ? Need to know/drill down on what we are going to accomplish (take action on).

Next meeting will be held on Thursday June 15th from 9:30 ? Noon in the Frances Perkins room, CMCC Augusta.

Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Moran
