Older Workers Committee Meeting

June 24, 2016: 2:00 AM
Marion Martin Room, 45 Commerce Dr, Augusta

Main focus on the agenda is reinstating the Silver Collar Employer Award during the National Employ Older Worker Week at the end of September. And reforming the Older Worker Committee.



Present: Cindy Johnson, Melinda Wildes, Renee Doble (phone), Dave Collins (phone), Jill Chouinard (phone), Mike Johnson (phone)

Staff: Garret Oswald, Cheryl Moran


? Reforming the Committee (seeking members). ? Appointing a Chair at the present time is not a priority. Advised Committee Members that Fred Webber, Chair of the State Workforce Board can fill in temporarily if needed. ? Mentioned about looking into purchasing ZOOM which will enable the members who would need to drive a long distance to participate via their personal laptop/computer. To participate, the only equipment you need is a camera and speakers which is standard on most laptops.
? Top priority, awarding the Silver Collar Employer Award to 3 businesses (1 from each Region), possibly 2 from the Northern Region due to the size (consists of 5 counties) during National Older Workers Week in September. ? Ultimate goal is to recognize exemplary employers who hire, retain and train employees over age 50.

Provided the ?draft copy? of the Silver Collar Employer Award Handbook 2016

? Under Policies and Practices on page 5, number 5, Cindy Johnson suggested the policy should state ?A company can win only once in five years.? All members agreed. ? Flyer/ cover sheet and application updated. ? Application deadline August 1, 2016. ? Julie Rabinowitz put out a press release on 6/27/16 and announced information about the award on a local radio talk show. ? Application can be accessed on the www.maine.gov/swb website under Documents.

Next meeting on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 from 9am ? 10am in the Looney Room, MDOL 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta

Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Moran
