Maine Apprenticeship Council Meeting

September 10, 2015: 9:30 AM
Maine General Medical Center, Augusta, ME

Maine Apprenticeship Council Minutes September 10, 2015

The meeting was held at Maine General Hospital. Present were: Joan Dolan, Dawn Croteau, Chris Trider, Travis Wood (phone), Brian Watson, Phil Dionne, Jennifer McKenna, Gail Senese, Denise Garland and Jennifer Boynton. Guest: Rachel Knight.

In the absence of the chair, Phil Dionne led the meeting.

The minutes of the June 11, 2015 meeting were approved and accepted.

The Director?s Report was distributed and reviewed. Joan explained that numbers on the MAP metrics will go down as she completes a data scrub. Going forward the data will accurately reflect active sponsors, programs, certifications and participants. Suggested that a note be included with the new metrics data explaining why the change in outcomes. The annual report has been completed, sent to the Governor and will be available online.

USDOL report deferred to next meeting.

Update on Healthcare Sector Leaders Meeting, New Jersey Jennifer Boynton attended the Leaders meeting that focused on apprenticeships in the healthcare industry. Attendees included employers and healthcare partners. Some of the topics covered including the establishment of apprenticeships, replicating those apprenticeships in other states, identifying what works and what doesn?t, and marketing. Jennifer feels Maine?s healthcare occupations efforts are ahead of a lot of other states.

As points of information/actions: ? Format for the minutes is changing to reflect action steps and no longer be a complete summary of meeting discussions. ? Joan will follow up on creating stronger apprenticeship connection to efforts to employ veterans. ? Apprenticeship plays a central role in the delivery of services under WIOA. Joan will be providing input into the new State Plan. ? Adecco may be able to take on the liability issue associated with many pre-apprenticeship programs. Joan will follow look into this. ? Expand the Leaders concept - identify other industry champions

Next meeting: Thursday, December 3, 9:30 ? Noon. Please hold March 3, June 2, and September 1 as tentative dates for the 2015-2016 meetings. Due to busy schedules, the March meeting date will be finalized at the December meeting.

Attachments Directors Report Sept 10, 2016