State Workforce Investment Board Meeting

November 21, 2014: 9:30 AM
Frances Perkins Room, Central Maine Commerce Center, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta ME


PRESENT; Fred Webber, John Butera, Ed McKersie, Terry Young Joanne Harris (phone), Scott Good (phone), Tracey Cooley, Mel Clarrage, Peter Pare, Gail Senese, Meg Harvey, Renee Kelly, Laura Boyett, William Burney, Brian Whitney, Liz Ray, Absent with notice; Craig Larrabee, Ryan Bushy, Kevin Healey, Sallie Chandler, Representative Amy Volk, Gerard Salvo Absent; Leo Roche, Robert Carmichael, Susan Hammond, Senator John Patrick, Senator Garrett Mason, Tom Davis, Don Berry, John Leavitt, Dan Muth, Dr. Barbara Woodlee, Judy Plumber-Beale, Yvonne Mickles Staff; Garret Oswald

Fred Webber opened the meeting with welcomes and introductions. He then asked John Butera, Policy Advisor to the Governor to give an update about the LePage Administration?s goals and priorities are for the next year. John stated that we need to push the Feds to give us more flexibility on how we provide workforce development services. John also spoke about increasing private sector involvement and engaging the Chambers of Commerce to assist in that effort. He said that we need to recruit new citizens with the needed skills to meet employer demand, and that we need the Career Centers to be more impactful for Maine citizens. Commissioner Jeanne Paquette then spoke and seconded John?s comments regarding flexibility, employer engagement, and Career Centers. She also stated that communication will be critical and that we need all partners to focus on matchmaking between job seekers and employers. She would like us to update our asset map of training and education resources, and sees the new Governor?s Council as a vehicle to move the agenda. Commissioner Paquette mentioned the opportunity we have with WIOA to move in the direction we had hoped for. Fred Webber thanked John and Jeanne for their comments and time and then gave a brief Chairs report. Fred spoke about the Chairs meetings and how valuable they are. He mentioned that the December Chairs meeting will focus on committee work plans for 2015. Fred then asked the committee Chairs to give updates; Phil Dionne spoke about the Older Worker committee finalizing the Silver Collar Handbook and connecting with the Aging Worker Initiative. Denise Smith spoke about the Younger Workers committee focus on better data for strategic planning and program evaluation. Gilda Nardone spoke about aligning with other committee efforts and seconded the data issue Mel Clarrage filled in for Jen Kimble and said the Commission on Disability & Employment was excited about WIOA and the opportunity for increasing participation in the workforce for people with disabilities. Pete Pare said the Program Policy Committee has a meeting on 12/19/14 to look at the needed changes for WIOA. Joan Dolan filled in for Don Berry and said the Apprenticeship committee had completed updating apprenticeship policies and were recruiting one new member. She also said that WIOA would increase pre-apprenticeship activity and they were preparing to apply for an apprenticeship grant which should be out soon. Fred Webber filled in for Steve Wallace and passed out a handout with information about recent Veterans committee activity. Fred Webber then asked Local Workforce Investment Board Directors for an update; Joanna Russell spoke about areas 1 and 2 and provided a handout. Fred complimented Joanna on the positive energy and update. Jeff Sneddon spoke about area 3 and provided a handout describing the program performance and targeted sectors of the economy that they were focused on serving. Antionette Mancusi spoke about area 4 and provided a handout of program highlights and performance data. Fred Webber thanked all the Chairs and Directors for great updates and then asked Garret Oswald for any last minute items; - 2015 SWIB meeting schedule was distributed - SWIB voting process was distributed - Garret Announced that Paul Lepaurlo has been hired as the new SWIB staffer ? starts 11/24/14 Next SWIB meeting is scheduled for 1/16/15, 9:30 ? 12:00, Central Maine Commerce Center.

Respectfully submitted by Garret Oswald.
