Women's Employment Committee

May 3, 2021: 1:00 AM

Meeting of a committee of the State Workforce Board. The State Workforce Board is committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation to its services, programs and employment. Please contact us should you required accommodation or alternative format materials. (207) 621-5087 or TTY Users Call Maine Relay 711 SWB.DOL@maine.gov


Present: Gilda Nardone, (Chair), Kelly Rickert-Samson, Darylen Cote, Laurie Glidden, Erica Watson, Joni Boissonneault, Kathy Despres, Susan Holleran, Suzanne Senechal-Jandreau, Erin Benson, Gigi Ottmann-Deeves, Auta Main, Mufalo Chitam, Karen Keim, Fatuma Hussein, Destie Hohman-Sprague, Kelli McCannell, Carol Ayoob

SWB Staff: Chris Quint, Josh Howe, Cheryl Davis

Brief Introductions Gilda Nardone opened the meeting at 1:05pm and asked members to provide an overview of the program they are affiliated with, accomplishments, and highlights.

Conversation with programs providing services to girls and opportunities for collaboration Carol Ayoob - Mainely Girls - Use $5,000 to invite girls into conversation on a weekly basis. Focused on Central Aroostook. Try to get girls to the State House. Like to see an advisory group of girls to work with their Board. Kelli McCannell
Has a Youth Advisory Board Have overlapping committee meetings (intergenerational). Most powerful part is getting together, learning how to engage. Have trainings with adults on how to listen more. Adult roundtables. Roundtables are for one hour. Destie Hohman-Sprague State House Day Legislators were more humanized. Adults in the private space were simply just moderating, making sure it was safe.

Erin Benson stated Desties Op Ed piece is excellent! A lot of girls do not have very strong role models. Mentor young girls in-state. Very important for all of us to do. Darylen Cote Be connectors...very important. Laurie Glidden Have connections statewide. Destie Hohman-Sprague Building a coalition with young people is the right work. Karen Keim stated she has money ($87,000) to spend by August 31st to offer to 7 schools. There are 273 spots left in her Talent Program. Having a hard time connecting with students. Karens email: kkeim@maine.edu Gilda Nadone stated she is involved with the intergenerational climate change group. There are more men in the older group, one woman in the younger group. Intersects with all other things. Susan Holleran stated she is happy to be a mentor in any capacity. Karen Keim Exposure to a leadership program would be great. She stated her money would need to be used specifically for students. There are 23 TRIO programs in Maine and 2 Talent Search programs. Erin Benson MaineSpark has 4 Tracks and a Newsletter. The main focus is on the adult track, which is hers. She can help with specific programing or news to share. Also, she is working on the 10-year Governors Economic Plan with Chris Quint and Kim Moore. Fatuma Hussein stated she would like to do a presentation on asylum seekers (girls). Underserved communities What the needs of those girls are?

Updates/conversation on policy and program activities in 2021 Sent out draft Gilda Nardone Committee Chairs had meeting recently triggered this. Chris Quint and Josh Howe pulled parts out of the State Plan (WIOA). Whats been on our radar this year? o Track the impact on how COVID affected women. o Track priorities and pull out key points in each of these areas, both State and Federal. o Family Medical Leave/Healthcare. Talk about them. Make sure gender is considered in those conversations. Josh Howe Next January, modifications of the State Plan will be made. We wont be digging into these until next year. Kelly Rickert-Samson Theres been a lot of conversation about how COVID has impacted High School girls geographically throughout Maine. How does Maine compare to other States? 1) Childcare, 2) Unemployment, 3) Mental Health. I just wanted to throw this out there. Women across the board has taken quite a hit. Joni Boissonneault We need to have the ability to dip into escrow to help with their goals. Laurie Glidden If someone is on unemployment, they will be stalled and not able to access their escrow. Joni Boissonneault The biggest need is transportation. She stated how she is very fortunate that her program allows them to dip into. Gilda Nardone Its important to support and be flexible. Darylen Cote Access to healthcare and transportation are very important to consider.

List of Priorities: Healthcare. Transportation. Childcare. Broadband in rural communities. Mental health. Unemployment. Special needs of veterans (women). Women with disabilities. Where are we now and where are we going? Gilda Nardone Tracking data. How do we quantify this even more? Feel free to send any additional thoughts.

Updates from DOL/SWB - Josh Howe Wrapping up Disability Bootcamp Initiative. Transportation, Childcare, Broadband, are major issues. Collaboration across agencies. Were doing a great job! Maine got selected for the National Governors Association (NGA) grant. Many pieces are moving now. Good collaboration. Were in a good place. Northeastern Workforce Development Board did a good piece on recovery, an area we need to focus. How do we collaborate better across the committees with the SWB? Destie Hohman-Sprague Legislature Range of bills dealing with expungement, incarcerated women.

Updates from WEC members Laurie Glidden Emergency Rental Assistance Program Rent, Utilities. Three months of upcoming rent, internet, moving expenses, due to COVID 19. No month cap on rent relief. Can apply up to September 2021. Website: https://www.mainehousing.org Gilda Nardone stated she would like to reactivate our Google group. Following 2 bills: 1) Retirement Bill, 2) Cash ME has support. New Ventures Maine has been figuring what they can do for women. Where theyre at. Need to update the membership list.

Approval of 03/01/2021 minutes Laurie Glidden motioned for approval of the 03/01/2021 meeting minutes. Darylen Cote seconded. Minutes were approved unanimously after correction: Correction of Kathys last name from Dapre to Despres.

Next meeting Suggestion; Invite Fatuma Hussein and Mufalo Chitam.

Meeting adjourned at 2:56pm.

Next Meeting Monday, September 13, 2021 1pm 3pm Via ZOOM

Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Davis
