IBEW v. Fox Islands Electric Cooperative, No. 87-A-01, affirming 86-UD-10.

                                           Case No. 87-A-01
                                           Issued:  February 27, 1987

                        Appellant,  )
v.                                  )      DECISION AND ORDER
INC.,                               )
                         Appellee.  )
     Pursuant to 26 M.R.S.A.  968(4) (Pamph. 1986) and in accordance
with Maine Labor Relations Board (Board) Unit Determination Rule 1.10,
this appeal was commenced on August 27, 1986, when Wayne W. Whitney,
Attorney for Appellant International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, AFL-CIO (IBEW), filed a Notice of Appeal of a Hearing
Examiner's Unit Determination Report (Report) issued on August 15,
1986.  That Report dismissed the IBEW'S petition seeking the creation
of a bargaining unit composed of all the full-time and regular part-
time Linemen, Meter Readers, Administrative Clerks, Office Clerks and
Billing Clerks--excluding Professional Employees, CETA Employees and
Guards--employed by Fox Islands Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Co-op).
     In the proceeding before the Hearing Examiner, the IBEW contended
that the Co-op is a "public employer" within the meaning of 26
M.R.S.A.   962(7) (Pamph. 1986) because it is either a "municipality"
or a "body acting on behalf of any municipality or town or any sub-
division thereof."  The IBEW also contended that the Co-op is estopped
by the principles of res judicata or collateral estoppel from denying
its public employer status because it had earlier successfully argued
in proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that
the Co-op is a political subdivision of the State of Maine and hence
does not come within the jurisdiction of the NLRB.  The Hearing
Examiner rejected each of these contentions.  The IBEW appeals the
Hearing Examiner's finding that neither res judicata nor collateral


estoppel applies to prevent the Co-op from denying that it is a
public employer within the meaning of the Maine Municipal Public
Employees Labor Relations Law (MPELRL), 26 M.R.S.A. ch. 9-A (1974 &
Pamph. 1986).  The IBEW appeals also the Hearing Examiner's finding
that the Co-op is not a "body acting on behalf of any municipality or
town or any subdivision thereof."  26 M.R.S.A.  962(7) (Pamph. 1986).
The IBEW has not appealed the Hearing Examiner's finding that the Co-
op is not a "municipality."
     Upon suggestion of the IBEW that the issues on appeal raise legal
and not factual questions, the parties agreed to a schedule for the
submission of initial and reply briefs addressing the issues on
appeal.  The last of these briefs was filed with the Board on
October 29, 1986.  Neither party requested oral argument.  The case
was deliberated on November 26, 1986, by the Board consisting of
Edward S. Godfrey, presiding, Thacher E. Turner, Employer Repre-
sentative, and George W. Lambertson, Employee Representative.

     The jurisdiction of the Board to hear and decide this appeal is
conferred by 26 M.R.S.A.   968(4) (Pamph. 1986).  Neither party has
contested the Board's jurisdiction to hear and determine this appeal.
     We agree with the determination of the Hearing Examiner that the
decision of the NLRB in Fox Islands Electric Cooperative, Inc. and
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, No. 1-RC-18,536,
(NLRB Region 1, Aug. 19, 1985), does not settle the issue of our juris-
diction in this case by application of principles of res judicata or
collateral estoppel.  The issue before the National Board was whether
the Fox Islands Electric Cooperative, Inc., is a "subdivision of the
State" within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act, whereas
the issue before us is whether the cooperative is a "public employer"
within the meaning of the Maine MPELRL.  Since nothing in the Maine
Law provides, or has the effect of providing, that the jurisdiction of
the Maine Labor Relations Board shall extend to any case in which the

federal board lacks jurisdiction, the jurisdictional issues in the
state and federal proceedings are substantially different.  The argu-
ment in favor of applying res judicata or collateral estoppel there-
fore lacks merit.
     We agree with the decision and reasoning of the Hearing Examiner
in concluding that the definition of the term "public employer" in the
Maine Law does not include the Fox Islands Electric Cooperative, Inc.
In his Unit Determination Report, at pages 9 and 10, the Hearing
Examiner reasoned as follows:
          The Union's second major contention is that the Coop-
     erative is a "public employer," within the meaning of 26
     M.R.S.A.  962(7) of the Act, because the Employer is a
     "body acting on behalf of any municipality or town or any
     subdivision thereof. . . ."  The Labor Relations Board has
     held that general agency principles should be applied in
     determining whether an entity is "acting on behalf of" a
     public employer.  Baker Bus Service and Teamsters Local
     Union No. 48, Report of Appellate Review of Unit Determin-
     ation Report, slip op. at 5 (Oct. 6, 1978), aff'd sub nom.
     Baker Bus Service, Inc. v. Keith, 416 A.2d 727 (Me. 1980).
     The Law Court held that the critical element for deter-
     mining whether an organization is acting on behalf of a
     municipality is whether the former "acted as a 'servant'
     subject to the City's control or right to control."  416
     A.2d, at 731.
          The evidence cited in this paragraph persuades the
     hearing examiner that the Cooperative is not acting on
     behalf of a public employer, within the context of  962(7)
     of the Act.  The Cooperative does not have a contract to
     provide service to the towns of Vinalhaven and North Haven.
     The two towns, whose geographic area coincides with the
     Employer's service area, did not join the Cooperative until
     approximately six months after the Cooperative was created.
     The municipalities of Vinalhaven and North Haven can exer-
     cise no greater control over the management and operations
     of the Cooperative than do any of the Cooperative's other
     members.  Each of the members has the same right to attend
     the annual membership meetings and to vote on the same one
     meter - one vote basis.  The member municipalities may
     neither appoint nor remove members of the Cooperative's
     Board of Trustees.  No evidence was presented that said
     municipalities have made significant financial contributions
     to the Cooperative or have provided land or equipment to the
     Cooperative.  The hearing examiner, in light of the above
     evidence, holds that the cooperative is not "acting on behalf
     of" a public employer, within the meaning of 26 M.R.S.A.

          Since the Cooperative is neither a municipality nor a
     body acting "on behalf of" a public employer, within the
     meaning of 26 M.R.S.A.  962(7), the hearing examiner must
     conclude that the Fox Islands Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
     is not a public employer within the definition of  962(7)
     of the Act.  Having held that the Employer is not a covered
     public employer, the Board has no jurisdiction to fashion
     an appropriate bargaining unit of the Cooperative's employees.
     On the basis of the foregoing discussion and by virtue of and
pursuant to the powers granted to the Maine Labor Relations Board
by 26 M.R.S.A.  968(4) (Pamph. 1986), it is hereby ordered that
the appeal of the Fox Islands Electric Cooperative, Inc., filed
August 27, 1986, be denied.
Dated at Augusta, Maine, this 27th day of February, 1987.
                                         MAINE LABOR RELATIONS BOARD

The parties are hereby advised
of their right, pursuant to 26
M.R.S.A.  968(4) (Pamph.                /s/__________________________
1986), to seek review of this            Edward S. Godfrey
Decision and Order by the                Chairman
Superior Court.  To initiate
such a review an appealing
party must both file a
complaint with the Superior              /s/__________________________
Court within thirty (30) days            Thacher E. Turner
of the date of issuance hereof,          Employer Representative
and otherwise comply with the
requirements of Rule 808 of the
Maine Rules of Civil Procedure.
                                         George W. Lambertson
                                         Employee Representative