STATE OF MAINE                               MAINE LABOR RELATIONS BOARD
					     Case No. 87-03
					     Issued:  December 11, 1986
LEROY M. LOMBARD,                )
		    Complainant, )
				 )                ORDER GRANTING
	   v.                    )            COMPLAINANT'S MOTION TO
				 )               WITHDRAW COMPLAINT
MARK DRESSER, Personnel Manager, )
Maine Correctional Center,       )
		     Respondent. )

     On November 18, 1986, at the hearing on the merits of the above-
captioned prohibited practices case, the parties reached an agreement
in settlement of their dispute.  The substance of the parties'
agreement is as follows:

     1.  The State agrees to rescind the two-page April 30, 1986
	 written reprimand issued to LeRoy Lombard and to remove
	 and destroy the reprimand from his personnel files and

     2.  Mr. Lombard agrees to withdraw the prohibited practice
	 complaint he filed on July 30, 1986, with the Maine
	 Labor Relations Board.

     3.  Mr. Lombard agrees to withdraw the grievance he filed
	 over the April 30, 1986 reprimand.

     The parties agree that they will each notify the Executive
     Director of the MLRB on or before December 1, 1986, of their
     actions in compliance with the above agreements.

     The parties further agree that this settlement does not con-
     stitute any admission by either party.

Letters have been received indicating that the parties have complied
with items 1 and 3 of their agreement and, on December 1, 1986,
Mr. Lombard filed a motion to withdraw the prohibited practices
complaint herein.


     The Complainant's motion to withdraw the prohibited practices
complaint in MLRB Case No. 87-03, filed on August 1, 1986, is hereby

Dated at Augusta, Maine, this 11th day of December, 1986.


				  William M. Houston
				  Alternate Chairman

				  Thacher E. Turner
				  Employer Representative

				  George W. Lambertson
				  Employee Representative
