Public Comment Sought on WIA Strategic Plan Modification Bookmark and Share

April 24, 2009

Download Draft Plan Modification: Word Version I PDF Version

The Maine Jobs Council has released a draft of the Maine Workforce Investment Act Strategic Plan (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010). The proposal was presented at the April 4, 2009 meeting of the Maine Jobs Council Policy Committee held at the Maine Department of Labor offices at the Central Maine Commerce Center in Augusta.

Members of the public are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposal during two week public comment period that closes on May 8, 2009. Comments may be submitted to or Maine Jobs Council, State House Station 120, Augusta Maine, 04332.

Following the two week comment period, the resulting comments will be reviewed and any necessary changes made to the document. The MJC Policy Committee members will be asked to vote to approve or reject, the document by 5/15/09. If approved, the Plan will then be presented to the full Maine Jobs Council on 5/29/09, 9:00 - 12:00, in the Frances Perkins Room at the Central Maine Commerce Center. MJC members will be asked to vote to approve, or not to approve, by 6/5/09.

If approved, the MJC will recommend the Plan Modification be submitted by the Governor by the 6/30/09 deadline.

Any questions concerning the Plan or the process, please feel free to contact:

Garret Oswald, Director
Maine Jobs Council
45 Commerce Drive
Augusta, Maine, 04330

Phone (207) 621-5087
Fax (207) 287-5933
Cell (207) 592-1455