Occupational Safety and Health Data Collection and Injury Prevention Work Group

  • October 17, 2007:


Occupational Safety and Health Data Collection and Injury Prevention Work Group


Bureau of Labor Standards Central Maine Commerce Center Frances Perkins Conference Room A October 17, 2007

Present: William Peabody, Chair (Maine Department of Labor); John Rioux, (Maine Department of Labor); Peter Doran (Maine Occupational Research Agenda); Kim Lim (Maine Department of Labor); Al May (Maine Center for Disease Control); Louise Morang (Maine Association of Occupational Nurses); and Leslie Walleigh (Workplace Health).

Absent: Brad Brown (Maine Bureau of Insurance); Brian Doe (Hannaford); Stephanie Jazlowiecki (McTeague-Higbee); Jeff Levesque (Workers' Compensation Board); Steve Minkowsky (Workers' Compensation Board); Kathy Schulz (Workers' Compensation Board); Vanessa Santarelli (Maine Department of Labor); and Dave Wacker (Maine Department of Labor).

Staff Present: Terry Hathaway, Ted Bradstreet, and Leslie Manning.

Call to Order: Bill Peabody called the meeting to order at 10:18 a.m.

September 26, 2007 Minutes: Motion made by John Rioux to accept the minutes as amended. Seconded by Peter Doran. Vote, unanimous.

2007 Report ? Bill Peabody. Bill handed out a preliminary rough draft of the annual report for the group to review at the meeting.

Under the overview of Workers? Compensation, Bill will contact Jeff Levesque. John stated that Workers? Compensation is encouraging employers to do Medical Only?s (M.O.?s) and that they want to make it a rule. The EDI rules are not finalized at this point. Leslie Manning said that MEMIC did a self-assessment from the preliminary data from M.O.?s, She asked if the group wants to ask one of the self-insured?s to conduct a study similar to MEMIC. The group agreed that Hannaford would be a good one to do this study.

Discussion continued on M.O.?s. Leslie Walleigh asked if the Bureau of Labor Standards would be ready to process the M.O.?s. Both Bill and Leslie Manning said not at the present time; but by the time M.O.?s are required, the Bureau would be ready. It will require at least one additional para-professional coder. Bill will add what is happening with the Board under recommendation #2.

Regarding #3, Bill will check with Steve Minkowsky to see the status. Leslie Manning suggested making a recommendation on how to get the best data to prevent injuries.

Bill will put together a draft for the next meeting. Leslie Manning added that First Reports get modified between submission to Workers? Compensation and transfer to the Bureau of Labor Standards. At this point, it is not clear where and how that happens

Al will put together a paragraph regarding the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey to be included in the report.

Regarding the Occupational Disease Reporting Program, Leslie Walleigh will put together a paragraph on lead and carbon monoxide poisoning for inclusion in the report.

OSH indicators are tied to the proposal. Leslie Manning suggested attaching a FACE brochure to the annual report showing the benefit of analysis of data.

The group decided to remove Dirigo Health and replace with the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey.

Leslie Walleigh said that the Maine Health Data Organization (MHDO) would like MORA to do a presentation at their office. Leslie will write a summary to present how MDHO data can be used regarding occupational related diseases.

Ted handed out an ?Executive Summary? of the Maine Small Business Safety and Health Needs Assessment for the group to review and make recommendations. John and Ted will break down by MOD rate, 1-2 and 2, to determine if insurers are providing the services. John said if employment is less than ten, the company is not assigned a MOD rate. If over a MOD rate of 2, companies need consultations, inspections, etc. Bill said that the Bureau of Insurance (BOI) has to report MOD rates over 2 to the Bureau of Labor Standards. Bill will check with Brad Brown, BOI.

By the middle of next week, Bill will have a second draft of the report sent to the group.

2008 Start-up ? Bill Peabody. Bill suggested the group approach this by taking a limited number of things to focus on and have small groups work on them over the year, seeking outside help (if needed).

Louise said the Data Subgroup did a great job. The Prevention Subgroup?s Small Business Needs Assessment Survey was an excellent piece of work to get you thinking. The Workers? Compensation VSM group did a great job.

Bill said the process worked for the group. There should be four or five things for 2008. There were a couple of things in the previous report which fell through the cracks and how can this be prevented.

The membership of the work group has dropped off as some members have left and others have stopped coming. Bill has been reviewing the membership list and would like to see another person from the insurance industry, one from a service provider, a union, and an employer. Discussion followed. Bill will contact the Maine AFL-CIO. Leslie Manning suggested someone from L.L. Bean or contact Vanessa for contact information through the Chamber.

Next Meeting - The next meeting of the Occupational Safety and Health Data Collection and Injury Prevention Work Group is scheduled for November 21, 2007 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., Frances Perkins Conference Room A, Central Maine Commerce Center; however, as it is the day before Thanksgiving, Bill will be sending an e-mail to the group with alternative meeting dates.

Adjournment ? Bill Peabody adjourned the meeting at 11:53 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry M. Hathaway, Recording Secretary