Occupational Safety and Health Data Collection and Injury Prevention Work Group

  • May 17, 2006:


Occupational Safety and Health Data Collection and Injury Prevention Work Group


Bureau of Labor Standards First Floor Conference Room May 17, 2006 10:00 - 11:30 A.M.

Present: Leslie Manning (Facilitator), Gary Baxter (Maine Employers Mutual Insurance Company), Brian Doe (Hannaford), Brad Brown (Maine Bureau of Insurance), Peter Doran (Maine Occupational Research Agenda), Jeff Levesque (Workers? Compensation Board), Kim Lim (Maine Department of Labor), Al May (Bureau of Health), Louise Morang (Maine Association of Occupational Nurses), Carol Tompkins (Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc.), Dave Wacker (Maine Department of Labor), and Leslie Walleigh (Workplace Health).

Absent: William Peabody, Chair (Maine Department of Labor), John Rioux, Vice Chair (Maine Department of Labor), Stephanie Jazlowiecki (McTeague-Higbee), Steve Minkowsky (Workers? Compensation Board), Vanessa Santarelli (Maine Department of Labor), and Stefanie LaRose (Canon Cochran Management Services, Inc.),

Staff: Terry Hathaway (Maine Department of Labor) & Ted Bradstreet (Maine Department of Labor)

Leslie Manning called the meeting of the Occupational Safety and Health Data Collection and Injury Prevention Work Group to order at 10:10 A.M.

April 19, 2006 Minutes. Dave Wacker made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Peter Doran, Vote, unanimous.

Maine Department of Labor Web Site Presentation ? Adam Fisher. Adam Fisher, Assistant to the Commissioner, Maine Department of Labor showed the work group how to access the work group web site. The group raised a couple of issues: one is to update the membership list, which Terry will do and will send to Adam. The second issue is for Adam to get the ?Legislative Report? listed on the web page.

This presentation is a result of a discussion held a couple of meetings ago when Al May told the group about ?Healthy Vision Month? and it was decided that the group could use the web site as a tool. Adam suggested coordinating numbers and ?tie in? to an individual. As an example, could tie in eye protection, impact on Workers? Compensation, and young workers in lawn care.

Discussion involved OSHA jurisdiction exemptions, such as Agriculture and Marine Resources. Leslie Manning suggested teaching prevention as part of curriculum in schools, partnering with the Department of Education. Peter stated that he is a member of the Coordinated School Health Services (CSHS), which is a key advisory committee for school nurses. Leslie also mentioned LEP (Limited English Proficiency) needs to be addressed. The work group could be effective in outreach. Al suggested collaboration between Department of Labor and Department of Health and Human Services web persons.

The group will be pursuing ?Healthy Vision Month? as it runs from now through the end of June.

Adam displayed the Safeteen web site, which became a national model for child labor. Leslie Manning said a wallet card goes with each approved work permit. Dave suggested getting a prevention message across to teens by going into their web site, ?my space?. Dave and Adam will coordinate.

Adam will send information to work group members and they can tie in to safety tips. The prevention subgroup will make recommendations for the year. Dave will update at next month?s meeting. Also, he will update us on health vision month for the web.

Summary Report ? 2006 North East Surveillance Meeting. Kim Lim handed out ?State Updates? (major highlights of each State?s activities) and provided an overview. The North East Surveillance group meets annually to talk about data collection and quality. Vermont and Rhode Island do not have programs. Discussion followed

Data & Prevention Subgroups Update.

Data Subgroup ? Al May. Leslie Manning provided an update with the meeting she had with John Rioux and John Rohde, Maine Workers? Compensation Board. Workers? Compensation looks at data differently. The Maine Department of Labor and the work group are interested in the quality of data. Leslie stated that the discussion with John Rohde was to have rules so that the quality of data was part of the rules. There will be a public hearing on the rules and members of the work group, as well as MORA, can provide their comments.

Prevention Subgroup ? Dave Wacker The Prevention Subgroup reviewed the draft survey document and made modifications and will have a copy available at the next meeting on June 21st.

Other. Jeff explained that Maine is out front with EDI and is now field testing Release III. The standards were accepted by the Workers? Compensation Board without being made aware of quality. The focus is on getting the data not how we use the data. The definitions don?t work for us. Leslie Manning suggested a resolution of issues for Maine.

Timeline ? Al May. No updates were made. A reminder that the following tasks are to be updated at the June 21st work group meeting: Consistent Coding Systems - John Rioux Summarize Data Sources - John Rioux Jeff Levesque Ted Bradstreet

Next Meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting may be held on Wednesday, June 21, 2006, from 10:00 to 11:30 AM, in the First Floor Training Room. The Data and Prevention Subgroups will meet at 9:00 AM prior to the work group meeting.

Adjournment. Leslie Manning adjourned the meeting at 11:48 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry M. Hathaway Recording Secretary