Occupational Safety and Health Data Collection and Injury Prevention Work Group

  • March 22, 2006:


Occupational Safety and Health Data Collection and Injury Prevention Work Group


Bureau of Labor Standards Third Floor Conference Room March 22, 2006 10:00 - 11:30 A.M.

Present: William Peabody, Chair (Maine Department of Labor), Gary Baxter (Maine Employers Mutual Insurance Company), John Rioux, Vice Chair (Maine Department of Labor), Louise Morang (Maine Association of Occupational Nurses), and Carol Tompkins (Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc.).

Absent: Brian Doe (Hannaford), Brad Brown (Maine Bureau of Insurance), Peter Doran (Maine Occupational Research Agenda), Stephanie Jazlowiecki (McTeague-Higbee), Jeff Levesque (Workers? Compensation Board), Kim Lim (Maine Department of Labor), Steve Minkowsky (Workers? Compensation Board), Vanessa Santarelli (Maine Department of Labor), Al May (Bureau of Health), and Stefanie LaRose (Canon Cochran Management Services, Inc.), Dave Wacker (Maine Department of Labor), and Leslie Walleigh (Workplace Health).

Staff: Terry Hathaway (Maine Department of Labor) & Ted Bradstreet (Maine Department of Labor)

William Peabody, Chair, called the Occupational Safety and Health Data Collection and Injury Prevention Work Group to order at 10:15 A.M.

The March 15th meeting was rescheduled to today based on a poll of the membership.

February 15, 2006 Minutes. After a correction on page 1, Gary Baxter made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Louise Morang, seconded. Vote, unanimous.

Data & Prevention Subgroups Update.

Data Subgroup ? Al May. Members were given a copy of the ?Characteristics of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in Maine ? 2004? and the ?Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers? Compensation System?, February 2006. Gary feels that the ?Characteristics? publication is a good source for prevention or could provide a link to the Prevention Subgroup. The Data Group talked about some of the methods regarding prevention in the workplace, including those companies who are known for having good worksite safety programs. MORA should get involved.

Prevention Subgroup. No report as they did not meet prior to the work group meeting.

Healthy Vision Month ? Al May. Al handed out a flier, ?Occupational Eye Injury is No Accident? from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Health, and the National Eye Institute. He also handed out a printed public service announcement for ?Protective Eyewear?. Al suggested that the Work Group could build on this. Discussion included having information on the Bureau of Labor Standards? web site, a mailing, posters, or an ad in the local paper. Louise has a monthly newsletter, which reaches 400 employers. Bill suggested that National Vision Month focus on ?occupational?. Perhaps could link to other nonprofit groups; i.e., if it were National Asthma Month, then could coordinate with the American Lung Association of Maine (ALAM). Also, as each month approaches, could use data from Workers? Compensation to target the efforts. The basic concept is good as the Maine CDC and BLS could ?brainstorm? and work on getting the information ?out there?. Set up groups, via e-mail and work on it. John also suggested using standard profiles on high-incidents and place them on the web. Ads in newspapers would be a good idea, especially if they are ?op ed? as there would be no cost.

Bill will invite Adam Fisher, Maine Department of Labor, to explain to the work group about the Bureau?s web site and public information efforts.

Report to Legislature ? Bill Peabody. Copies of the ?Report? were sent to members of the work group, MORA, and both the Labor and Insurance Committees, with an offer to talk to the Committees. Bill will check with Vanessa, to see if copies should be sent to the Health and Human Services Committee.

Legislative Update ? Bill Peabody. The Bill requiring contractors working on construction projects to have workers receive a 10-hour course was withdrawn and ?killed?. Also a Bill requiring retail establishments to put in a ?panic button? for those who may deal with potential violence was changed to a study, which focuses on ?violence due to criminal acts in retail services?; this will probably pass the full Legislature by summer. There will be representatives from law enforcement on this group.

Other. John had handed out a Timeline and a Project Report Template as a method of tracking projects for the next legislative report. He suggested that this be a regular agenda item for forthcoming meetings. He will have Terry e-mail both to the work group membership. Need to set up end dates by April meeting. As a project ends, the Project Report Template would be completed and a draft of the narrative will be submitted to Bill for inclusion in the next annual legislative report.

Next Meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting may be held on Wednesday, April 19, 2006, at 10:00 to 11:30 AM, in the First Floor Training Room. The Data and Prevention Subgroups will meet at 9:00 prior to the work group meeting.

Adjournment. Bill Peabody adjourned the meeting at 11:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry M. Hathaway Recording Secretary