Home 9.2 Emergency Closing 9.2 Emergency Closing

The policy for emergency work cancellation, delay, or early release of state facilities/offices is provided in Civil Service Bulletin 11.10E (issued November 29, 2011).

  • The "normal workday" is defined as 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. [Note: Exceptions to the definition of the "normal workday" that result from compressed workweeks or other alternate schedules will be handled on a case-by-case basis.]
  • Generally, authorization to close state facilities originates with the Governor, except decisions with respect to emergency closing outside of the "normal workday" (5:00 pm – 7:30 am, weekends, holidays) rests with individual agency heads, who are responsible to determine appropriate staffing requirements to maintain essential and public services. [Note: Snow emergencies have specific procedures that are outlined below.]
  • Essential services, direct care, and custody must be maintained in all instances.
  • Employees affected by a cancellation, delay, or early release during the "normal workday" are provided paid administrative leave for all cancelled hours.
  • Employees who are engaged in essential services, or who are performing required support activities, and are required to remain at work, are credited with compensatory time for all hours that non-essential employees were released from work.
  • Employees who are engaged in essential services, or who are performing required support services, who are required to work beyond normal workday, receive pay or compensatory time, but not both.
  • Employees who are on sick leave, vacation, or other authorized leave during a work cancellation, delay, or early release are not eligible for administrative leave.
  • Employees who are unable to report to work will be charged compensatory time, vacation time, personal leave time, or placed on unpaid leave, as appropriate.
  • Employees who report late will be treated in accordance with agency policy with respect to late arrival.
  • If a municipality officially closes a road, which prevents an employee from reporting to work, or requires an employee to stay at work, he or she should comply with the local prohibition. Leave considerations in this unusual situation will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Snowstorms are handled in accordance with Civil Service Bulletin 11.10E, but with certain modifications, as follows:

  • Cancellation or early release during (or in anticipation of) a snowstorm is evaluated on a regional basis, considering factors such as road conditions, employment density, and/or the anticipated development of weather patterns. Sources of weather-related information may include the M.D.O.T, the Maine State Police, Maine Emergency Management, etc.
  • In the event that state facilities/offices are closed or curtailed due to a snow emergency, agencies will be notified in accordance with policies adopted for that purpose.
  • Facilities/Offices may be closed on a regional or statewide basis, depending upon conditions specific to each situation.
  • Individual employees and facilities should not contact the Governor’s Office, the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, or the Bureau of Human Resources for information in anticipation of release for snow emergencies.

Following an emergency closing of state facilities/offices, the Office of Employee Relations generally issues a memorandum to agencies regarding times and locations of closings, matters pertaining to administrative leave and compensation, and other matters specific to each situation.

Reference: Civil Service Bulletin 11.10E
