Home 5.8 Human Resource Security Protocols 5.8 Human Resource Security Protocols

In January 2007, security protocols related to human resources were designed and implemented with the expressed intent to ensure public confidence and security, and to ensure that the State Government workforce is appropriately qualified and credentialed.  These protocols address the areas of verification of identification and eligibility for employment, academic credentials, licensing and certification, reference checks, and background checks (including criminal records, driving records, credit checks, etc.).  Also included were protocols regarding information to applicants prior to employment interviews, written job offers, verification checklists, confidentiality agreements, as well as sample/model pre-interview letter, reference check form, written job offer, confidentiality agreement, and questions-and-answers.

Human Resource Memorandum 8-06 contains these security protocols. Here is a link to Human Resource Memorandum 8-06 and supporting documentation (PDF).
