Department of Transportation
Allocation: $20,000,000
Status: Active
Climate change poses a serious risk to Maine infrastructure, with damage estimates in the billions of dollars unless action is taken. The Maine Infrastructure Adaptation Fund, administered through the Maine Department of Transportation, will provide grants to municipalities, tribal governments, and others to improve stormwater, drinking water, and wastewater infrastructure from flooding, rising sea levels, and extreme weather. These grants will help protect vital infrastructure most at risk from the effects of climate change, support natural resources, and benefit public safety and emergency management efforts.
News & Resources
- 7/19/2022: Mills Administration Awards Nearly $20 Million From Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan to 13 Maine Communities to Protect Infrastructure from the Effects of Climate Change
- 4/22/22: On Earth Day, Governor Mills Announces $2.5 Million for 75 Maine Communities to Fight Climate Change
- 12/01/21: To Mark One Year of Progress in Maine’s Climate Plan, Governor Mills Unveils New Initiatives to Empower Communities in the Fight Against Climate Change