Maine Community College System Workforce Training Programs

Maine Community College System

Allocation: $35,000,000

Status: Active

Maine is in constant competition with other states and the world to build and retain a talented workforce that can succeed in emerging industries shaped by new technology. Investments in Maine’s people and public higher education system keep our state competitive, grow the size and skill of our workforce, and position us to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic with a thriving economy that attracts new businesses and empowers people to make a good living.

Maine’s community colleges offer a wide breadth of affordable workforce training programs across Maine that are easily accessed through free short-term training, degree programs, certificate programs and advanced certificate programs. Through the Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan, the Maine Community College System (MCCS) will expand no-cost vocational training to 8,500 Mainers seeking to improve their skills or career opportunities in Maine industries negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including health care, clean energy, manufacturing, hospitality, education, computer technology, and trades. Funding will support student tuition costs, the purchase of new equipment needed to stand up new trainings, and added staffing for project management, instruction, and learner navigation.