Senior Nutrition
Office: |
Office of Elder Services |
Program: |
Nutrition Services |
Budget Estimate: |
$485,000 |
Federal Agency(s) |
Administration on Aging / Health & Human Services |
- The final bill contains $100 million for senior nutrition programs to be allocated as follows:
- $65 million for Congregate Nutrition Services (i.e. The Cohen Center)
- $32 million for Home-delivered Nutritional Services (Meals on Wheels)
- $ 3 million for nutritional services for Native Americans which will go directly to the tribes.
- Maine will receive $485,000 for this program, $325,000 for congregate meals and $160,000 for home-delivered meals.
- This money will come from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Office of Elder Services and be contracted to the Area Agencies on Aging.
- These funds have recently become available to the states and all of the funds will be released as soon as they become available for the two years of the program. The State will receive the dollars once the governor’s certification of ARRA funds usage is signed and returned to HHS.
- A 15% match is required for these funds which the AAAs will provide and money cannot be transferred between congregate and home-delivered meals.
- The intent is to support these services in meeting the likely increase in demand.