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Maine Attorney General Janet T. Mills offers advice about helping victims of Hurricane Harvey
August 29, 2017
Date: August 29, 2017
CONTACT: Andrew Roth-Wells
Telephone: (207) 626-8887
Maine Attorney General Janet T. Mills offers advice about helping victims of Hurricane Harvey
Mills warns consumers to avoid giving to potentially fraudulent websites
AUGUSTA ? Maine Attorney General Janet T. Mills advised Mainers to choose wisely in sending funds to agencies to help the families and communities suffering from the extreme weather produced by Hurricane Harvey in Texas this week.
?A natural disaster brings out the best us, and people around the world offer whatever we can to aid victims like those down in Texas this week,? said Mills. ?Unfortunately, it also sometimes brings out people who take advantage of our good nature and provide no help to those in need.?
AG Mills warned against giving money to organizations that are unfamiliar or not recommended by her office or other official sources. AG Mills shared a list of those organizations that are considered reliable
?If consumers have any questions or complaints about a particular organization I encourage them to call our Consumer Protection Division at 1-800-436-2131.?
Other sources for guidance related to charitable giving can be found at the links below for the Maine Attorney General, the Texas Attorney General, and the Federal Trade Commission.
The American Red Cross is encouraging people to donate money on its website, www.redcross.org, or text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10. Apple is also accepting Red Cross donations via iTunes and the Apple App Store.
The Red Cross is also seeking blood. Upcoming blood drives in southern Maine:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at:
Portland Blood Donation Center 524 Forest Ave., Portland
Thursday at: Maine Mall, 364 Maine Mall Road South Portland
AG Mills added that she plans on donating blood in the coming days.
Americares, an emergency response organization based in Connecticut, is delivering emergency medicine and relief supplies and working with a local clinic in Houston. Make a donation at americares.org.
United Way Worldwide has a relief fund to provide shelter and basic needs, as well as long-term recovery efforts. Donate at https://www.unitedway.org/.
The Salvation Army is accepting donations for hurricane relief at give.salvationarmyusa.org.
To help pets stranded by Hurricane Harvey, donations are being accepted by the Humane Society of the United States at http://www.humanesociety.org/.
For volunteer opportunities or other places to donate, check with National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, at nvoad.org. ###