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Attorney General Rowe Sues Michigan Company Over Deceptive Practices In Selling Labor Law Posters
December 7, 2005
Carolyn A. Silsby, Attorney General's Office, 207-626-8829
Attorney General Steve Rowe announced today that he has filed suit on behalf of the State against a Michigan corporation, The Mandatory Poster Agency, Inc., d/b/a The Maine Labor Law Poster Service, and its principals (collectively, "MPA") for their deceptive practices in selling labor law posters to Maine businesses.
Labor law posters contain notices that employers are required by state and federal laws to display in the workplace where workers can see them. Although these posters are available free of charge, MPA's solicitation materials are designed to look like they are from a government agency in Augusta that requires the business to purchase a poster to comply with the law. The Augusta address used by MPA is to a personal mailbox; MPA does not have an office in Maine. Attorney General Rowe seeks to enjoin MPA from using deceptive solicitation materials and to recover refunds and reimbursement for shipping charges to those who purchased posters, civil penalties, and costs. "Maine businesses face many financial challenges. In trying to comply with labor laws, businesses should not be tricked into paying for a product that is available to them for free," Rowe said.
Labor law posters that are required by the State of Maine can be obtained free of charge by calling 1-800-872-3838 or 624-9818, or by visiting the Maine Department of Labor's web site at http://www.maine.gov/labor/bls/posters. Labor law posters that are required by the federal government can be obtained free of charge by visiting the U.S. Department of Labor's web site at http://www.dol.gov/osbp/sbrefa/poster/main.htm