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Consumer Alert: Beware "Best Buy Fraud Alert"? Email
June 20, 2003
Attorney General Steven Rowe today issued a consumer alert concerning an email with the subject line "Best Buy Order Fraud Alert."
Residents throughout Maine are receiving the email, which claims that a recent order has been received using personal credit card information. The order, placed online, is purported to have been made at Best Buy's official website.
The email states that Best Buy's Fraud Department has suspicions regarding the order and the "customer" is asked to visit a special "Fraud Department" web store to confirm the transaction by providing the correct financial information.
Rowe stated: "This is the newest twist in attempts to obtain your financial information. DO NOT RESPOND to the email." If you have responded to the fraudulent email, notify your financial institutions immediately. Concerned consumers who received this email contacted the Maine Attorney General's Office, which contacted Best Buy. Best Buy is aware of the problem and has taken steps to shut down the fraudulent website.