File a Complaint

How to File a Complaint

If you have a problem with a utility, you should make a complaint to the Consumer Assistance and Safety Division (CASD) of the Public Utilities Commission. CASD's number is 800-452-4699 or submit your complaint directly online to CASD. You can also contact the Office of the Public Advocate at 207-624-3687 to make a complaint against a utility.

If your problem involves at least ten people (having 10 separate accounts with the utility), Maine law provides that the PUC shall consider an investigation when ten or more people file a complaint against a utility. The general format of a ten-person complaint is illustrated below. The Public Advocate has made templates for the ten-person complaint cover letter and complaint form which are available below. Should you desire assistance in drafting a ten-person complaint, the Public Advocate is here to help you. Feel free to call us at 207-624-3687.

Sample form

Ten-person Complaint form

SAMPLE - Please use your own words and provide relevant details

Ten-Person Complaint Pursuant to 35-A M.R.S.A. Section 1302

WE, the undersigned complainants are customers of [Name of Company]. In recent months, we have experienced [list problems - e.g., frequent power outages, voltage fluctuations, increase in rates, poor telephone service, unfair competition by a utility, etc. causing [list harms]. We have complained to [Name of Company] on [list number of occasions] and the problems have not been corrected. We urge the Public Utilities Commission to open an investigation for the purpose of identifying the causes of [Name of Company] -- for instance .............

WE hereby request that the Maine Public Utilities Commission promptly investigate this complaint and take all necessary action to satisfy this complaint.


Utility Acc. #

Telephone Number





Utility Acc. #

Telephone Number

Printed Name


If you have already completed the ten-person complaint form you may also get information on how to prepare for a public hearing regarding your regulated utility.