123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Connor
LR: 2930
An Act To Provide Degree-granting Authority to the Landing School of Boatbuilding and Design
LR: 3060
An Act To Develop and Implement a Strategic School Capital Plan
LR: 3154
An Act To Fund the Children's Immunization Program
LR: 3219
An Act To Return to Fair and Equitable Cost Sharing of the Additional Local Costs within Certain
Regional School Units
LR: 3220
An Act To Protect Children from Lead Poisoning
Sponsor: Representative Conover
LR: 2742
An Act To Prevent Health Insurers from Discriminating against Consumers
LR: 2746
An Act To Ensure That Children's Toys and Products Are Free of Lead
Sponsor: Senator Courtney
LR: 2778
An Act To Provide Ongoing Funding for the Historic Preservation Tax Credit
LR: 3203
An Act To Increase the Penalty for Operating under the Influence
Sponsor: Representative Craven
LR: 2837
An Act To Encourage Access to Respite Care Services for Maine Families with Behavioral Health Needs
LR: 2838
An Act To Protect Former Property Owners from Liens
LR: 3025
An Act To Enact the Homeless Youth Act of 2008
LR: 3277
An Act To Ensure Coverage of Care for Individuals with Acquired Brain Injuries
LR: 3342
Resolve, To Create a Blue Ribbon Commission To Study Long-Term Home-based Care
Sponsor: Representative Cray
LR: 3218
An Act To Establish a Centralized Fingerprint Database of Those Employees Required To Be
Fingerprinted for Employment
LR: 3329
An Act To Permit School Buses To Travel at the Speed Limit on the Interstate
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