123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Representative Cebra
LR: 2803
An Act To Extend All Deadlines Concerning the Consolidation of School Administrative Units by One
LR: 2804
An Act To Waive All Penalties in the Plan for the Consolidation of School Administrative Units
LR: 2892
An Act To Allow a Holder of a Concealed Weapons Permit To Carry a Weapon Anywhere in the State
LR: 3117
An Act To Require Municipal Reporting of Urban-Rural Initiative Program Funds Spending
LR: 3118
An Act To Require Municipal Reporting Regarding Expenditures of Excise Tax Revenue for Road
LR: 3120
An Act To Cap Property Taxes
Sponsor: Representative Chase
LR: 3371
An Act To Make Maine Turnpike Tolls More Equitable
Sponsor: Representative Clark
LR: 2787
An Act To Amend the Plan for the Consolidation of School Administrative Units
LR: 2827
An Act To Provide Members of the Armed Forces Who Are Not Residents of this State Privileges To Hunt
and Fish Comparable to Those Provided to Members of the Armed Forces Who Are Residents
LR: 2828
An Act To Provide Placards to Drivers Who for Medical Reasons Are Not Required To Wear Seat Belts
LR: 2856
Resolve, To Establish a Blue Ribbon Commission To Study On-ramp Speed Limits
LR: 2857
An Act To Protect the Rights of Leaseholders
LR: 2901
An Act To Grant Step-parents the Same Rights as Biological Parents
LR: 3128
An Act To Allow Disabled Veterans To Have Flags on Their Registration Plates
LR: 3221
An Act To Extend the Deadlines Concerning the Consolidation of School Administrative Units by 2 Years
Sponsor: Representative Cleary
LR: 3136
An Act To Assist Distressed Businesses Organized as Limited Liability Companies
LR: 3239
An Act To Allow Community Service in Lieu of Fines
LR: 3250
An Act To Promote Boater Safety
LR: 3252
An Act To Reward Environmentally Efficient Tractor-trailer Trucks
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10/9/2007 3:08:39PM

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