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Maine Legislature 120th First Regular Session

LD 1152 -- HP0873

An Act to Amend the Standard Valuation Law for Life Insurance and to Restrict Limitation of Liability for Death by Suicide in Group Life Insurance Policies.

(Submitted by the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation pursuant to Joint Rule 204.)
Presented By: Representative DUDLEY of Portland
Cosponsored By: Senator DOUGLASS of Androscoggin and Representatives: GLYNN of South Portland, O'NEIL of Saco, SULLIVAN of Biddeford, Senators: ABROMSON of Cumberland, LaFOUNTAIN of York.
Public Hearing: 03/19/01. OTP Accepted 04/12/01.
Final Disposition: Enacted, Signed 05/08/01, PUBLIC LAWS, Chapter 89.

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