Bureau of Sea-Run Fisheries and Habitat

Atlantic sturgeon jumping in Kennebec R Augusta Photo by Kari Heistad
Atlantic sturgeon leaping in the Kennebec River, July 2019
Atlantic sturgeon jumping in Kennebec R Augusta Photo by Kari Heistad
Photos by Kari Heistad

Species of Management Concern

The sea-run fish species of most management concern in Maine are: alewife, American eel, American shad, Atlantic salmon, Atlantic sturgeon, blueback herring, rainbow smelt, sea lamprey, sea-run brook trout, shortnose sturgeon, and striped bass.

Pictures and basic information about some of these fish can be found at the Do You Know Your Catch page (be sure to scroll down to the species table) .

Projects and Programs

Our projects include fish stocking, monitoring, and habitat restoration for many of these fish species. Please visit our Programs page for details.

Bureau Mission

To protect, conserve, restore, manage and enhance diadromous fish populations and their habitat in all waters of the State; to secure a sustainable recreational fishery for diadromous species; and to conduct and coordinate projects involving research, planning, management, restoration or propagation of diadromous fishes.