WROs from Start to Finish & Advanced Involuntary Hospitalizations

Date: February 18, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Host: PDS
Credits: 6
Cost: Free
Location: Zoom
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Summary: This six-hour CLE will explore weapons restriction orders (WROs) from start to finish, including the long haul – if there is an extension hearing, how to plan and prepare for that. In addition, we would touch on civil and criminal implications of WROs. After completing our study of Weapons Restriction MH cases, the last part of the program will be dedicated to advanced involuntary hospitalization matters, including laying the foundation for a strong appeal (which will also apply to WRO matters), Applications for Writ of Habeas Corpus, records gathering, and Progressive Treatment Plan tips.  

Admission Restrictions: To attend this training, you must be eligible to accept PDS case assignments, or a student at Maine Law.