How to Donate
Quick Links
Donate Online | Get Pledge Forms | Donate by Mail or In Person | Payment Methods | Download the Donor Guide | Designation of Contributions
Online giving is secure, saves paper, and reduces administrative costs. There are hundreds of charities listed, or you can manually enter a charity of your choice. You can make a one-time, single payment donation, or setup a payroll deduction. Click the button below to learn more and get started.
Pledge Online!
By Mail or In Person
Click the buttons below to download a fillable PDF pledge form. Fill it out electronically with Adobe Acrobat Reader (standard on most pcs) or print it and fill it out by hand. To view the list of charities you can donate to, download the donor guide or view the list online.
Once you've filled out the pledge form, print it and do one of the following:
- Current Employee: If you are a current employee, give your completed pledge form (along with check if making a single payment donation) to your MSECCA Coordinator.
- Retiree: If you are a retiree, mail your completed pledge form (along with check if making a single payment donation) to:
United Way of Kennebec Valley
Attn MSECCA Coordinator
121 Commercial St.
Augusta, ME 04330
Employee Pledge Form Retirees Pledge Form
Payment Methods
- Online Pledge: Credit card or payroll deduction.
- Mail In Pledge: Check or payroll deduction.
- In Person Pledge: Cash, check or payroll deduction.
Designation of Contributions
You can designate all or part of your annual pledge to any charity listed in the MSECCA Donor Guide or one you enter in manually. For example, if you are giving a total of $300 over the course of the year, you could give $300 to a single charity or $50 to six different charities. If you wish to designate to another charity not listed, a minimum donation of $100 is required for each write in agency.