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The Maine Office of GIS (MEGIS) is an organization within the State of Maine's Office of Information Technology (OIT), in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services. MEGIS provides several key services to state employees, citizens, and the geospatial community:

  • Maintenance of a public geospatial data portal, to make data easily accessible to the public
  • Coordination of state efforts with federal and local efforts, which in 2010 alone brought in $1.3M in federal funding for geospatial data
  • Development and maintenance of geospatial architecture (databases, servers) to provide robust mapping capabilities to state agencies and public-facing web services
  • Maintenance of base data including town boundaries, hydrography, geographic names
  • Development of web-mapping applications for state agencies

MEGIS is legislatively mandated in 5 MRSA §1991 - §1996 as the state entity to manage statewide geospatial data and services, and to coordinate such activities with other organizations to lower overall costs for geospatial data and services.

Our mission statement:

The mission of the Maine Office of GIS is to provide baseline geospatial data, services, and support to users of geospatial technology in state government and the public, with the ultimate goal to increase and ease the use of geospatial technologies.