Reconnecting Our Villages: Historic Libbytown Project Improvement

The "Reconnecting Our Villages: Historic Libbytown Project Improvement" aims to enhance transportation safety, connectivity, and accessibility within Portland's Libbytown neighborhood. Funded by the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant alongside federal and state support, the project will transform Congress Street and Park Avenue by converting them from one-way to two-way traffic. Key enhancements, depicted in the streetscape master plan, include a modern roundabout at Congress and Park, improved crosswalks, ADA-compliant sidewalks, a two-way cycle track on Congress Street, one-way cycle tracks on Park Avenue, and upgraded transit stops. Additional features include new lighting, streetscaping, and upgraded drainage systems. Utility adjustments, railroad crossing reconstruction, and other infrastructure upgrades will further support long-term durability and safety. With a projected construction start in 2026 and completion by 2028, the project will provide Libbytown with enhanced multi-modal accessibility and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.

Updates to be made include

  • Intersection of Congress Street and Park Avenue to be converted to a roundabout.
  • Congress Street and Park Avenue to be converted to two-way traffic.
  • Traffic Signals at Congress/St. John and Park/St. John to be upgraded.
  • Traffic Signal at Congress/St. John to add provisions for cycle track crossing.
  • Roadway surface to be removed and rebuilt.
  • Sidewalks to be upgraded.
  • New crosswalks, some with raised median refuge islands.
  • Granite Curb to be used.
  • Roadway drainage system will be upgraded as necessary.
  • Aerial utilities to be relocated.
  • Congress Street railroad crossing to be reconstructed by CSX Railroad.
  • Underground utilities to be adjusted as necessary (Water & Sewer Infrastructure).
  • Intersection improvements, curblines to be modified.
  • Roadway alignments are being adjusted.
  • Bus stops to be improved on Congress Street.
  • New lighting.
  • Cycle Tracks added.
  • Streetscaping to be added along both Congress and Park, as well as at the roundabout.