Western Ave. Bridge Replacement

  • Press Releases
1/31/2025: New Temporary Western Avenue Traffic in Place in Augusta


News Release for January 31, 2025

For more Information:
Paul Merrill, Director of Communications - 207-215-9297

AUGUSTA - The Maine Department of Transportation has now completed shifting Western Avenue (Route 202) traffic in Augusta to a temporary bridge. This is part of the ongoing work to replace the bridge that carries Western Avenue over I-95 at Exit 109.

Through traffic is narrowed to two lanes: one eastbound lane and one westbound lane, with a third lane on the bridge specific to the westbound off-ramp traffic. Vehicles will continue to use the temporary bridge until the new permanent bridge is constructed and opened at the end of this year.

The left-hand turn lane from Western Avenue onto Whitten Road is also closed. Westbound drivers who want to access Whitten Road can use the southbound interstate on-ramps to access the new connection between the interstate on-ramp and Whitten Road.

The southbound Exit 109 off-ramp will remain closed for the foreseeable future.

The existing Western Avenue bridge is approximately 70 years old. MaineDOT is replacing the structure with a new bridge on a similar alignment. The new bridge will provide additional vertical clearance on the interstate. It will also include sidewalks on both sides of the bridge and approximately 1,350 feet of new sidewalk along Western Avenue and Whitten Road to improve pedestrian access and safety.

On-site construction for this project started in November 2023. All construction is scheduled to be done in June 2026.

The contractor for this project is Reed & Reed, Inc. of Woolwich. The contract amount is approximately $30 million.


1/21/2025: MaineDOT Schedules Upcoming Traffic Shifts on Western Avenue at I-95 in Augusta


News Release for January 21, 2025

For more Information:
Paul Merrill, Director of Communications - 207-215-9297

AUGUSTA - The Maine Department of Transportation expects to begin shifting Western Avenue (Route 202) traffic in Augusta to a temporary bridge this weekend as part of the ongoing work to replace the bridge that carries Western Avenue over I-95 at Exit 109.

MaineDOT expects to move westbound traffic onto the temporary bridge by Sunday, January 26th. Crews will also be closing the left-hand turn lane from Western Avenue onto Whitten Road. Westbound drivers who want to access Whitten Road can use the southbound interstate on-ramps to access the new connection between the interstate on-ramp and Whitten Road.

Eastbound Western Avenue traffic will continue to use the existing bridge for several days until striping operations have been completed. Exit 109B from I-95 southbound will also be reopening when all traffic has shifted to the temporary bridge, which should happen by Wednesday, January 29th.

The department will be using flaggers and police details to assist with traffic control during these transitions. We urge drivers to be careful and patient during the changes. As with all outdoor construction work, these schedules are heavily dependent on the weather.

Through traffic will be narrowed to two lanes: one eastbound lane and one westbound lane, with a third lane on the bridge specific to the westbound off-ramp traffic. Vehicles will continue to use the temporary bridge until the new permanent bridge is constructed and opened at the end of this year.

The existing Western Avenue bridge is approximately 70 years old. MaineDOT is replacing the structure with a new bridge on a similar alignment. The new bridge will provide additional vertical clearance on the interstate. It will also include sidewalks on both sides of the bridge and approximately 1,350 feet of new sidewalk along Western Avenue and Whitten Road to improve pedestrian access and safety.

On-site construction for this project started in November 2023. All construction is scheduled to be done in June 2026.

The contractor for this project is Reed & Reed, Inc. of Woolwich. The contract amount is approximately $30 million.


1/7/2025: Upcoming Traffic Shift on Western Avenue at I-95 in Augusta


News Release for January 7, 2025

For more Information:
Paul Merrill, Director of Communications - 207-215-9297

AUGUSTA - The Maine Department of Transportation will be shifting Western Avenue (Route 202) traffic in Augusta to a temporary bridge over I-95 later this month. Through traffic will be narrowed to two lanes: one eastbound lane and one westbound lane, with a third lane on the bridge specific to the westbound off ramp traffic. This traffic shift is necessary while crews demolish the existing structure and continue construction of a new bridge to carry Western Avenue over the interstate at Exit 109. Vehicles will continue to use the temporary bridge until the new permanent bridge is constructed and opened. The contractor is allowed 11 months to complete this work. Exit 109B from I-95 southbound will also be reopening when traffic shifts to the temporary bridge.

Additionally, westbound traffic will no longer be able to turn left onto Whitten Road. Westbound drivers who want to access Whitten Road can use the southbound interstate on-ramps to access the new connection between the interstate on-ramp and Whitten Road.

The existing Western Avenue bridge is approximately 70 years old. MaineDOT is replacing the structure with a new bridge on a similar alignment. The new bridge will provide additional vertical clearance on the interstate. It will also include sidewalks on both sides of the bridge and approximately 1,350 feet of new sidewalk along Western Avenue and Whitten Road to improve pedestrian access and safety.

On-site construction for this project started in November 2023. All construction is scheduled to be done in June 2026.

The contractor for this project is Reed & Reed, Inc. of Woolwich. The contract amount is approximately $30 million.




Western Avenue (Route 202) traffic in Augusta will be shifted to a temporary bridge over I-95 at Exit 109 throughout the rest of the year. Through traffic will be narrowed to two lanes: one eastbound lane and one westbound lane, with a third lane on the bridge specific to the westbound off ramp traffic.

Additionally, westbound traffic will no longer be able to turn left onto Whitten Road. Westbound drivers who want to access Whitten Road can use the southbound interstate on-ramps to access the new connection between the interstate on-ramp and Whitten Road.

These traffic changes are necessary while crews demolish the existing structure and continue construction of a new bridge to carry Western Avenue over the interstate.

The Maine Department of Transportation will be replacing the Western Avenue bridge (#5808) located on US Route 202 (Western Ave.) over Interstate 95 (I-95) in Augusta, at the intersection of Western Ave. and Whitten Rd.

The Western Avenue bridge will be replaced on alignment, with a new 2 span, steel girder with concrete bridge deck structure, on concrete substructure units founded on bedrock. This new structure will replace the 68 year old, 4-span structurally deficient structure that has deteriorated to the point that the end of it’s useful life is near. The new structure will provide additional vertical clearance over I-95, to help avoid over height vehicle strikes. The project also includes approximately 1,350 ft of sidewalk construction/reconstruction along Western Avenue and Whitten Rd. This sidewalk work will connect pedestrian access along both sides of each respective roadway to create significantly safer access through the area.

The contractor for this project is Reed & Reed, and the contract amount is $30 million.