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Road construction has been partially completed from Wilson Street to Levenseller Road, constituting roughly half of the project completed. This includes drainage, subgrade, gravel, poor soil remediation, bedrock removal, and 2 large box culverts. The Lambert Rd overpass is 95% complete. The detour of Clewleyville Rd will go into effect on Jan 9th. This is a short local detour utilizing Levenseller Rd and Nolan Rd. There will be signage in place for traffic to follow. Duration of the detour will likely be until fall of 2023. This detour will allow the contractor to begin excavation and construction of the Clewleyville Rd bridge over the connector.
The project went through the bid process and was awarded to Sargent Corporation January 3, 2022. The corridor clearing was done this spring. There has been a lot of focus on the beginning of the project around Felts Brook to install settlement platforms and prefabricated vertical drains in an area where settlement is anticipated. Along Lambert Road, Sargent has removed ledge for duct bank installation, installed conduit and GIC's for piezometers installations, continued to remove ledge for an access road for access to sand blanket area #4, began hauling sand for the Sand Blanket Area and into stockpile off Eastern Avenue, and installed temporary drainage under Ramp D (Southbound off) and at station 58+50. They have also started to move excavation from the hill at the end of night road (station 177+00 - 179+00) down towards Eaton Brook and set 7 new Settlement Platforms in Area 4. New England Boring Contractors (NEBC) continued with1 drill rig for Inclinometer installations and began Piezometer installations after meeting with Geokon Rep. Keller North America continued Wick Drain installations on Ramp E & F and on mainline 52+00 to 58+00. East Coast Signals, assisted by Sargent, completed the Lambert Road Duct Bank installation. 3 Phase Line, working for Versant Power, connected lines to riser poles on Lambert Road.
Final design plans continue to be developed and estimates developed. The right of way process is underway with appraisals starting up.
The Department currently estimates 165,000 CY of Type D gravel. Type C gravel will be an approved equal at the Contractor's option in accordance with the Standard Specifications. The Department is allowing the use of either Type C Aggregate Base Course or Type D Aggregate Subbase Course for the roadway base in order to maximize use of local aggregate sources. The upper specification limit for the LA Abrasion on Type C aggregate has not been determined, although the requirement will not be less than the current limit of 25 percent.
Major bridge construction is planned at Eastern Avenue, Lambert Road, Levenseller Road, and Clewleyville Road to accommodate the connector. Many other structures will also be built but will not affect traffic movement along these roads.
The Department is completing the final design for these structures and has developed a construction strategy as it relates to traffic disruption and duration. A summary is as follows:
Clewleyville and Levenseller Bridges
Bridges at Clewleyville Road and Levenseller Road will be 130-foot and 88-foot steel bridges carrying the local roads over the Route 9 connector. Local roads at each location will be closed for one construction season to construct the bridges. The Contractor will be allowed to return the following spring to do final paving and cleanup while maintaining at least one lane of alternating traffic with flaggers. During the road closures, traffic will be detoured via Nolan Road during construction. Contract specifications will limit overall closure duration at each location and prohibit the closure of Clewleyville Road and Levenseller Road at the same time. Additional travel distance for through traffic will be less than mile with a total end to end detour length of less than three miles. With average traffic counts less than 1000 vehicles per day, traffic delays will be minimal.
Lambert Road Bridge
The Lambert Road Bridge will be a 121-foot steel bridge carrying the Route 9 Connector over Lambert Road. We expect Lambert Road to remain open during the majority of construction. However, a limited number of short duration closures will be allowed to safely erect steel beams and falsework. During times of closures, traffic will be detoured to adjacent local roads. Traffic impacts due to the short duration closures at Lambert Road are expected to be minor. Contract specifications will require advance notification of any closures on Lambert Road.
Eastern Avenue Bridge:
Eastern Avenue Bridge will be an 88-foot steel bridge carrying Eastern Avenue over the Route 9 Connector. We expect that Eastern Avenue will be closed for one construction season to construct the bridge. The Contractor will be allowed to return the following spring to do final paving and cleanup while maintaining at least one lane of alternating traffic with flaggers. The allowable duration of closure will be specified in the construction contract. Detour of Eastern Avenue will create moderate traffic impacts during construction. Additional travel distance to and from points east of the Route 9 connector will be 5.4 miles or approximately 8 minutes. Traffic on Eastern Avenue is an average of 1700 vehicles per day.
The project is on track to advertise for bids in September 2021. There have been two contracts advertised to prebuy concrete box culverts and another one will advertise very soon. The right of way process is ongoing. Deeds have been researched and are currently being mapped. In the coming months affected property owners will be contacted for the appraisal process to begin. The option to buy is being exercised on a wetland mitigation parcel and should be finalized in the near future. Also a modification to the update on October 22, 2020 "Common borrow (import) quantity is 73,000 cy. This amount could be significantly lowered with light weight fills. We are still exploring the geotechnical aspect of light weight fills currently."
As final design continues on the Connector, some rough quantities have been estimated. We are looking at 697,000 cubic yards excavation, 710,000 cubic yards borrow, 165,000 cubic yards ASCG, and 60,000 tons of pavement. Our Geotech engineers are gearing up to get more subsurface information as we fine tune the design. A DOT grant has been awarded. This grant will provide the Maine Department of Transportation funding for the use of Advanced Geotechnical Methods in Exploration (A-GaME) on the Brewer-Eddington I-395/Route 9 Connector Project.
A virtual public meeting is available on line to view at This will be available for comment until August 7, 2020.
Work has continued on developing the design for the connector. Geotech crews have been out gathering information along the alignment. In consideration of the complexity of traffic management during construction, the decision was made to build the bridge on Rte 1A over the connector in a separate phase of the construction. This phase is set to advertise late 2019 with construction beginning in 2020. The remainder of the connector is scheduled to advertise late 2021 with construction to begin in 2022. There will be a public meeting about this bridge during the spring of 2019.
Design is underway for the Route 9/I-395 Connector!
A preliminary public meeting with project updates will be held at 6:00 p.m. on June 27, 2018 at the Eddington Elementary School (440 Main Road).
Detailed topographic survey for the entire length and width of the project began in the fall of 2016. This survey was performed using a combination of aerial photogrammetry with LIDAR data collection as well as traditional ground survey for accurately determining the locations of important items like edges of streams and property boundary markers.
The data from the topographic surveys has been used in developing the best horizontal and vertical alignment of the new two-lane highway within the approved 200-foot-wide planning corridor. Geotechnical explorations and analysis are also being performed to aid in the foundation design for bridges and large culverts that are part of the project. All of this work will continue to require coordination between project managers, highway engineers, bridge engineers, geotechnical engineers, utility coordinators and environmental specialists.
Some property purchases and relocations have occurred or are underway for certain properties. Most properties affected by the project will require much more detailed design work to be completed so that impacts to the parcels can be properly assessed.
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