Bangor I-95 Bridge Replacements - Design-Build

Design and construction for the replacement of the Kenduskeag Avenue bridge over I-95 and I95 northbound and southbound bridges over Stillwater Avenue.

Project Documents

Current Schedule

Date Event
07/12 MaineDOT Issues RFSOI
07/19 at 3pm EST Deadline for Design-Builders to Submit Questions on RFSOI
08/02 MaineDOT Issues Responses to Questions Received on the RFSOI
08/23 at 3pm EDT Deadline for Design-Builders to Submit SOI
08/30 MaineDOT Issues Notification of SOI Responsiveness to Design-Builders
09/04 Deadline for Design-Builders to Submit Cure for SOI Responsiveness (If Applicable)
09/13 MaineDOT Evaluates and Ranks SOIs and Notifies Design-Builders of Selection Results
09/13 MaineDOT Evaluates and Ranks SOIs and Notifies Design-Builders of Selection Results
09/26 MaineDOT Issues Draft RFP
10/09 at 3pm EDT Deadline for Design-Builders to submit Questions on the Draft RFP
10/23 MaineDOT Issues Responses to Draft RFP Questions
11/06 MaineDOT Issues Final RFP
One Meeting Per Team between 11/11 and 12/06 Design-Builders Attend One-On-One Meetings with MaineDOT (If applicable)
12/18 at 3:00 PM EDT Deadline for Design-Builders to Submit ATC Proposals
01/15/25 MaineDOT Issues Responses to ATC Proposals
01/29/25 at 3pm EDT Deadline for Design-Builders to Submit Questions Final RFP
02/07/25 MaineDOT Issues Responses to Final RFP Questions
02/26/25 at 3pm EDT Deadline for Design-Builders to Submit Technical and Price Proposal Packages
03/05/25 MaineDOT Issues Notification of Technical Proposal Responsiveness to Design-Builders
03/12/25 Deadline for Design-Builders to Submit Cure for Technical Responsiveness (If Applicable)
04/02/25 at 11am EDT Deadline for Design-Builders to Submit Proposal Guaranty Package
MaineDOT Opens Price Proposals
April 2025 MaineDOT Awards Contract
Summer 2025 Design-Builder Begins Final Design and Construction
October 31, 2029 Design-Builder Completes Final Design & Construction