Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IF&W)
Reflects all Actions through the 126th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session
FY 14 FY 15
General Fund Revenue Collected by IF&W:
December 2012 base Revenue Estimate $21,888,254 $21,887,079
May 2013 Revenue Adjustment ($3,376) ($3,376)
December 2013 Revenue Adjustment $0 $0
March 2014 Revenue Adjustment $2,701 $2,701
2014-2015 Biennial Budget Bill (LD 1509 - PL 2013, c. 368) ($240,000) ($240,000)
Other Legislation - 126th Legislature, 1st Regular Session ($112,367) ($165,541)
126th 2nd Regular Session - Unsigned Laws from 1st Regular Session $0 ($10,374)
Total IF&W General Fund Revenue $21,535,212 $21,470,489
General Fund Appropriations for IF&W:
2014-2015 Biennial Budget Bill (LD 1509 - PL 2013, c. 368) - Baseline Budget $24,081,059 $24,682,875
2014-2015 Biennial Budget Bill (LD 1509 - PL 2013, c. 368) - Adjustments to Baseline ($327,069) ($318,931)
Other Legislation - 126th Legislature, 1st Regular Session $0 $0
MBSF Restoration - PL 2013, c. 487 - LD 1807 ($89,708) ($321,050)
FY 14 Supplemental Budget Bill - PL 2013, c. 502 - LD 1843 ($128,912) $0
Part F and FY 15 Supplemental Budget Bill - PL 2013, c. 595 - LD 1858 $0 ($258,211)
Other Legislation - 126th 2nd Reg. $0 $0
Total IF&W General Fund Appropriations $23,535,370 $23,784,683
IF&W General Fund Appropriations for Search and Rescue 1 $322,094 $323,559
Net IF&W GF Appropriations Subject to Constitutional Test 1 $23,213,276 $23,461,124
Appropriations in Excess of Revenue? 2 Yes Yes
Amount that Appropriations are Above (Below) Revenue 2 $1,678,064 $1,990,635
1 12 MRSA §10202 states in part that: "Appropriations to the department for costs that are associated with search and rescue are not considered amounts appropriated to the department under the Constitution of Maine, Article IX, Section 22." 
2 Article IX, Section 22 of the Maine Constitution states in part that: " The amount of funds appropriated in any fiscal year to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife...may not be less than the total revenues collected, received or recovered by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife...."