123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Session
Bill Requests
Sponsor: Senator Schneider
LR: 2764
An Act To Protect Public Safety, Provide for the Prudent Use of Landfill Capacity and Save Taxpayers
LR: 2831
Resolve, To Determine Appropriate Buffer Zones for Landfill Construction and Expansion
Sponsor: Senator Sherman
LR: 2862
An Act To Provide a Tax Credit for the Installation of Geothermal Systems in Residential Dwellings
LR: 2899
An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Consolidation of School Administration to Expand the
Definition of Efficient, High-performing Districts
Sponsor: Representative Silsby
LR: 3258
An Act To Improve School Administrative Unit Consolidation
LR: 3337
An Act To Clarify the Budget Validation Process Concerning Consolidation of School Administrative
Sponsor: Representative Simpson
LR: 2869
An Act To Ensure the Integrity of Maine Clean Election Fund Expenditures
LR: 2870
An Act To Protect Student Athletes
LR: 3272
An Act To Provide Safe Driving Incentive for Young Drivers
LR: 3273
An Act To Protect against Identity Theft
Sponsor: Representative Sirois
LR: 2785
An Act To Protect Sellers in Residential Real Estate Transactions
LR: 3318
An Act To Ensure Early Detection of Colorectal and Prostate Cancers
Sponsor: Senator Smith, D.
LR: 3116
An Act To Repeal the School District Consolidation Laws
LR: 3168
An Act To Reduce Income Tax Rates
LR: 3169
An Act To Create Tax Equity for Working Spouses
LR: 3355
An Act To Postpone the Effects and Implementation of the School District Consolidation Law for One
LR: 3366
An Act To Facilitate Formation of the Northwest Maine Regional School Unit
LR: 3367
An Act To Cap the Additional Charge on All Motor Vehicle Oil Changes
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