- Public link to preliminary Enacted 2017-18 ED279 reports (as of July 4, 2017)
- Comparison of the State Contribution from the Not Yet Enacted Governor's Recommended Funding Level to the Enacted Funding Level (Excel)
- Warrant Article Information for Property Tax Bill - Section F of the ED 279 Report
- If your budget was approved prior to the Enacted Budget - Use the Not Yet Enacted Warrant Articles Information
- If your budget was approved after the Enacted Budget - Use the Enacted Warrant Articles Information
- Guidance on usage of additional state funds from 2017-2018 budget (pdf)
General EPS Information
- List of EPS Staff Matrix Positions (PDF)
- 2017-18 EPS Staff Salary Matrixes (PDF)
- Regional Salary Cost Indexes by School Administrative Unit (PDF)
- Attending Pupil Counts by SAU - Calendar Year Average - FY 18 vs FY 17 (Excel)
- Subsidy Pupil Counts by SAU - Calendar Year Average - FY 18 vs FY 17 (Excel)
- Disadvantaged Percentage Rates by SAU - FY 18 vs FY 17 (Excel)
- Debt Service Allocation by SAU - FY 18 vs FY 17 (Excel)
- Bus Purchases Allocation by SAU - FY 18 vs FY 17 (Excel)
- Valuations (3-Year Average) and Calendar Year Average Pupils by SAU - FY 18 vs FY 17 (Excel)
- Valuations (3-Year Average) and Calendar Year Average Pupils by Town (Excel)
Special Education EPS Allocation for 2017-18
Step 1: Base Component - Applies 1.277 weight (for the excess cost) to all students up to 15% of subsidizable students in PDF
Step 2: Prevalence Adjustment - Applies .38 weight (for the excess cost) to all students above 15% of subsidizable students in PDF
Step 3: Size Adjustment - Applies .29 weight for additional funds for school administrative units with fewer than 20 students with disabilities in PDF
Step 4: High Cost In-District Adjustment - Allocates additional funds for students estimated using an inflation factor of 1.5% in PDF
Step 5: High Cost Out-of-District Adjustment - Allocates additional funds for students estimated to cost 4X the statewide special education EPS rate --- ESTIMATE in PDF
Step 6: EPS Special Education Allocation (with EPS Maintenance of Effort Adjustment and High Cost Out-of-District Adjustment) in PDF
- EPS Maintenance of Effort Adjustment Calculation in PDF
- Federal Revenues Data by SAU - used in Step 6 Special Education Calculation in PDF
- State/Local Expenditures Data by SAU - used in Maintenance of Effort Adjustment Calculation in PDF
Transportation EPS Operating Allocation for 2017-18
If you have questions, you may contact:
School Finance & Operations Team
23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333
Phone: (207) 624-6790
Fax: (207) 624-6791