A total of $110,673,381.47 (29.8% of the state allocation to SAUs) has yet to be invoiced. The following chart lists the remaining ARP ESSER III funding amounts by SAUs, as of July 24, 2024. We understand that SAUs have ESSER project expenses and are using the summer months to submit invoices. Given the volume of invoicing that remains to be completed, we urgently ask that SAUs prioritize obligating and invoicing for ARP ESSER projects promptly.
Important Deadlines:
- September 30, 2024 - Funds must be obligated.
- December 30, 2024 - Requests for reimbursement must be completed.
Karen Kusiak
ESSER Program Coordinator
Email: Karen.Kusiak@maine.gov
Maisha Asha
ESSER Fiscal Coordinator
Email: Maisha.Asha@maine.gov