VII. D-1 - Concurrent Planning Policy

Effective 11/1/15

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VII. D-1 - Concurrent Planning Policy

Effective 11/1/15

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Concurrent Planning Policy



Permanency planning is an important child welfare practice that involves identifying and working toward a child’s primary permanency goal, such as reunification with the birth family, while simultaneously identifying and working on an alternative concurrent plan such as adoption, permanency guardianship, or guardianship in the event that reunification is not successfully achieved.



Permanency planning is a transparent practice that informs and reminds the family and its team members about the importance of reaching permanency for each child in a time frame that is calculated to best meet that child’s needs, through reunification or by seeking and reaching an alternative permanent goal.



All planning for children focuses on the goal of preserving their family, reunifying their family, or achieving permanent placement in another family.



Title 22 MRSA § 4041



Concurrent Plan: A plan developed by OCFS staff, the family and its team that acknowledges a child’s need for a timely, safe and appropriate permanent goal should reunification not be successful.



Concurrent case planning begins when out of home placement of children is being considered. The family and its team are made aware of the importance of a concurrent plan.  They are encouraged to consider and identify possible alternate permanency options.  Every effort will be made to reach consensus about the concurrent plan that is identified.  If that is not possible OCFS is responsible for developing a concurrent plan.  


It is not uncommon that a child’s initial placement will become the most appropriate concurrent plan for that child.  Therefore, careful consideration must be given to making that placement.  In the event that initial placement cannot become the concurrent plan for permanency the family and team will help identify additional possible permanency options.  If a child is both chronologically and developmentally able then their perspective and “voice” will be considered during concurrent planning discussions.  If reunification efforts are ceased the concurrent plan will become the primary case goal.


The concurrent plan will be documented in the child case plan.



A concurrent plan will be developed with the family, tribal child welfare caseworker, others identified by the tribe, and the OCFS social worker.