Cathy Nadeau, Winslow, ME. Please save our dams! We currently have two mills that depend heavily upon water storage. The loss of these mills would have a negative far-reaching impact on the local economy. During these uncertain times, please consider what’s best for the people living and working in the central Maine area. We would all like to see salmon return to the rivers. Fishways can be installed and upgraded to allow passage for the fish. However, this will not insure the salmon’s return. Climate change is having a negative effect on our ocean’s water. Hydropower is clean energy. But, I would ask you to look at actual numbers versus percentages. Are dam removals worth the actual number of fish that may or may not return? Is that number of fish worth the loss of what little good-paying jobs we have left in this area? Thank you for your consideration. Cathy and Steve Nadeau 943 China Rd. Winslow, ME 04901