Business Answers was designed to make it easier to start and conduct business in the State of Maine.

Need help now?
Contact us weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. eastern time
1-800-872-3838 in Maine or 1-800-541-5872 from outside of Maine

You can also e-mail us at

I want to...

(Get help determining the business licenses and permits you'll need to start your business.)

(Can't find your business type? Let us know.)

(Find the a specific business license or permit by keyword, category or agency.)

(This may include, departments, bureaus, offices, divisions, authorities, etc.)

Need help now? Please contact Business Answers toll-free telephone system (1-800-872-3838 in Maine and
1-800-541-5872 outside Maine) or

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