Explanation for Savings for School Libraries

March. 2011

This chart provides the background for the values. Some of the values are estimates or averages based on local numbers.

Explanation of how values were determined for different library services
Item Estimated Retail Value Values Explained
Books Borrowed $12.00& Average cost of books (hardcover, paperback, children's)
Audio-Visual Materials Borrowed (audiobooks and/or videos) $10.00 Average cost to purchase audio/video materials
Interlibrary Loan Requests (include books borrowed/shared among school district libraries) $30.00 Average national cost for loans
e-Books/Audiobooks Downloaded $15.00 Average cost to download an e-book/audiobook
Magazine/Newspaper Use in Library (use this if you lend these too) $7.50 Average monthly cost of a popular magazines/newspapers issue
Use of School Library as Meeting Room $50.00 Estimate
$12.00 Sample hourly rate at internet cafes for people using their computers, not their own laptops.
e-Reader Devices Loaned Out $150.00 Estimate to purchase an e-book reader
Reference Questions and Readers' Advisory $15.00 Estimated cost per question
Direct Class Instruction to Students $32.00 Based on teacher per diem rate
Professional Development for Teachers $100.00 Typical hourly rate for a professional consultant
Computer Advice to Staff and Students $32.00 Based on teacher per diem rate
Troubleshoot/Use of AV Equipment & Computers $80.00 Estimated cost to troubleshoot technical problems to avoid calling special repair service
Curriculum Development $32.00 Based on teacher per diem rate
Organizing Enrichment Activities, e.g. author visits $32.00 Based on teacher per diem rate
Grant Writing $75.00 Estimated cost to hire outside grant writer and consultant