Maine Library Commission Minutes, February 6, 2012

In attendance: Dick Thompson, Beth Edmonds, Linda Lord, Moorhead Kennedy, Joyce Rumery, Jamie Ritter, Sara Campbell, Art Turley, Barbara McDade, Inese Gruber, Karen Baldacci, Charlie Campo, Kathy Brunjes (by phone)

Also attending:Janet McKenney, Ellen Wood, Valerie Osborne, Jared Leadbetter, Susan Preece, Mamie Anthoine Ney, Stephanie Zurinski, Peggy OKane, James Jackson Sanborn

Beth Edmonds called the meeting to order at 1:02 pm.


There being new people in attendance, introductions were made. Linda Lord announced that Jared Leadbetter has joined the state library staff as Technology Consultant. Linda also announced that Jamie Ritter will take over as Director of Reader and Information Services on February 27.

Approval of the Minutes

Inese Gruber moved and Joyce Rumery seconded that the minutes from the January 9, 2012 meeting be approved. Approval was unanimous.

Vote on Public Library Definition

Art Turley moved and Moorhead Kennedy seconded that the commission approved the public library definition. After a brief discussion, the commission agreed to issue a letter to all public libraries introducing the definition as a goal for libraries to strive toward. The definition passed unanimously.

State Librarian's Report - Linda Lord

Linda Lord reported that the ALA midwinter meeting was all about Digital Rights Management (DRM), digitization and eBooks. For libraries to survive, they must become centers for the local production of content and places where people can learn how to create and access digital content. ALA has met with publishers and they all agreed that a new business model must be enacted for libraries and e-Books. There will be more digital literacy forums nationwide and Bangor will be asked to participate. Van delivery is going well and a new RFP will go out later this year. The federal non-profit paperwork for the Friends of the Maine State Library is nearly complete. We have a donated website and domain name for the group.

Area Reference and Resource Center (ARRC) discussion requested by CMLD

Art Turley presented suggested statistics for the ARRCs to gather and submit to the state library. After a brief discussion, a subcommittee consisting of representatives of the ARRCs and the state librarians was appointed to explore this further. Art suggested that the consultants be included in the group.

BTOP Update

Janet McKenney reported that the funds are 80% expended which is on track with grant expectations. Training is lagging a bit behind but reported computer use is on target. She feels we will have no trouble fulfilling the requirements of the grant within the federal time frame. Managing partner relationships is turning out to be time consuming especially around scheduling the video conferencing centers. Video Conference with Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development is February 15 with 7 libraries participating. The volunteer lawyer project, Lawyers in Libraries, has been funded and will be moving forward soon.

Maine InfoNet Report

James Jackson Sanborn distributed a written report and spoke briefly. The 501(c)3 paperwork has been submitted to the IRS and the determination can take 8 weeks to 6 months. James is watching RFPs in Massachusetts and Oregon since these are similar to what we need for MaineCat. The Minerva board is looking at a slight fee increase to cover cost increases from III and anticipated increases in van delivery costs. Maine InfoNet staff continues to work on the SOLAR backlog and on criteria for adding new libraries to the system. They anticipate that demand will outstrip both staff availability and system capacity. URSUS has purchased LibraryAnywhere for their mobile app. Minerva in interested in it as well. EBook circulation in the download library is outstripping audio downloads by 2:1 with Kindle e-Books being the most popular format. Libraries are interested in Overdrives Library Advantage program where the content they purchase is restricted to their patrons which is detrimental to the consortium. Maine Infonet is looking for libraries to offer additional funds to support the consortium.

Consultants' Report

Valerie Osborn reported that plans for the Eli Neiberger event in March are being finalized. Mamie Anthoine Ney reported that her calendar is beginning to fill due to pent up demand in the southern district. Stephanie Zurinski displayed the literacy posters that the consultants and Ellen Wood have produced. She also mentioned that the bid period for SCOOP, the purchasing cooperative, has now opened. New Hampshire and part of Vermont are joining Maine in this contract which also includes computer equipment and support in addition to library materials, furniture and supplies. Stephanie also reported that 34 libraries have submitted their annual report in the first month.

Valerie, Mamie, Linda, Barbara, Beth and Liz Doucett are going to PLA in Philadelphia in March.

The next commission meeting is set for March 5.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 2:10 pm.