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LD 1812 -- -- SP0611

Original Title: An Act to Authorize Department of Transportation Bond Issues in the Amount of $79,500,000 to Match Available Federal Funds for Improvements to Municipal and State Roads, State and Local Bridges, Airports, State Ferry Vessels and Terminals and Rail and Marine Facilities.
New Title An Act to Authorize Department of Transportation Bond Issues in the Amount of $36,985,000 to Match Available Federal Funds for Improvements to Municipal and State Roads, Airports, State Ferry Vessels and Terminals, Transit Facilities and Equipment and Rail and Marine Facilities. (GOVERNOR'S BILL).

Presented By: Senator O'GARA of Cumberland
Cosponsored By: Representative CLUKEY of Houlton and Senators: BENNETT of Oxford, GOLDTHWAIT of Hancock, MICHAUD of Penobscot, PARADIS of Aroostook, Representatives: DRISCOLL of Calais, LaVERDIERE of Wilton, MAYO of Bath, WINSOR of Norway.
Public Hearing: 04/29/97. OTP-AM Accepted 03/17/98.
Amended By: CA (Changed Title) S-510.
Final Disposition: Enacted, Signed 04/07/98, P & S LAWS, Chapter 82.

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