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LD 1594 -- -- HP1138

Original Title: An Act to Transfer State Ownership of Certain Railroad Rights-of-way, Create the Calais to Eastport Rail Authority and Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $4,500,000 to Fund Establishment of Freight Rail Service between Calais and Eastport.
New Title Resolve, to Create the Commission to Study Establishing a Rail Authority to Develop Rail Service from Calais to Eastport and Brewer.

Presented By: Representative GOODWIN of Pembroke
Cosponsored By: Representatives: BAGLEY of Machias, BUNKER of Kossuth Township, DRISCOLL of Calais.
Public Hearing: 04/15/97. OTP-AM Accepted 03/20/98.
Amended By: CA (Changed Title) H-925, HA/CA H-946.
Final Disposition: Finally Passed, Signed 04/01/98, RESOLVE LAWS, Chapter 104.

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