123rd Maine Legislature - Second Regular Sesson
Legislative Requests Accepted by the Legislative Council
LR: 2746
Sponsor: Representative Conover
Date Accepted: 10/25/07
An Act To Ensure That Children's Toys and Products Are Free of Lead
LR: 2875
Sponsor: Representative McFadden
Date Accepted: 10/25/07
An Act To Require That Sellers of Scrap Metal Provide Identification
LR: 2877
Sponsor: Representative Pingree
Date Accepted: 10/25/07
An Act To Protect Children's Health and the Environment from Toxic Chemicals in Toys and Children's
LR: 2883
Sponsor: Representative Perry, A.
Date Accepted: 10/25/07
An Act To Clarify the Licensure of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
LR: 3003
Sponsor: Senator Mitchell
Date Accepted: 10/25/07
An Act To Create the York County Regional Development Authority
LR: 3149
Sponsor: Senator Bromley
Date Accepted: 10/25/07
An Act To Strengthen the Maine Small Business and Entrepreneurship Commission
LR: 3280
Sponsor: Representative Koffman
Date Accepted: 10/25/07
An Act To Clarify the Enforcement Authority of the Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers in
Addressing Uncertified Practices
LR: 3320
Sponsor: Senator Mitchell
Date Accepted: 10/25/07
An Act To Advance the Maine Economy
LR: 3328
Sponsor: Representative Eaton
Date Accepted: 10/25/07
An Act To Require Large Retailers To Disclose the State's Implied Warranty Law to Customers
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10/29/2007 10:22:57AM

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