/GHG_SUMMARIES/ This directory contains summaries of all annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory data submitted by Maine companies, pursuant to 06-096 CMR 137, "Emission Statements." Emissions for inventory years 2010-2021 have been calculated using the Global Warming Potential 100 Year values presented in Appendix 8.A of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5, 2014) and are displayed as metric tons of CO2 equivalent values. Emissions for 2022 have been calculated using the Global Warming Potential 100 Year values presented in Table 7.SM.7 of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6, 2021) and are displayed as metric tons of CO2 equivalent values. For the 2022 emission inventory summary, only carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane emissions are available. All files are Excel spreadsheets. Note: Facilities (rows) and pollutants (columns) may change per year based on reporting requirements and thresholds. Each file is named according to this convention: [Year of Inventory]_GHG_Summary_[Date File Was Compiled].xlsx